Melancholy (Karlnap)

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what's up my cheerios 


sorry, I'm just trying to make you laugh

this chapter...well you'll- you'll see

no backstory needed


Karl smiled as he scrolled through the endless pictures of him and Sapnap. 



The memory played in his head. He grinned even bigger as he scrolled onto a picture of them holding hands. 

"Does this mean we're lovers forever?"

"Karl, we were always lovers."

"Then let's take a picture!"

"But don't we want to cherish this moment?"

"Sapnap, you'll regret it if I don't take it."

"Fine, go ahead. But kiss me first."

Karl smiled and held the bright phone closer to his face. A familiar warm fuzzy feeling took place in his stomach. Karl giggled as he scrolled upon a picture of Sapnap laughing.


Karl looked up. 

"Let's go! We don't have time to sit around, the fair will start soon!"

Karl nodded and hopped off his bed. He took his coat and rushed to hold Sapnap's hand. 

"You ready?" Sapnap asked.

"Yes, Sappynap." 

Karl and Sapnap made their way to the fair, giggling from excitement and pointing at all the different rides. Bright neon lights flashed around them as the smell of churros and cotton candy wafted through the air. Karl felt like he was in euphoria. 

"Sapnap, let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Karl pointed up at the tall wheel.

"Like last time when we started dating?" Sapnap walked over and handed the ticket man two tickets.

"Yes but this time, we'll already be together." Karl squeezed Sapnap's arm.

Sapnap smiled. "C'mon, let's get on!"

Sapnap led Karl into the cart and sat down. He held his hand and smiled at Karl. Karl goofily grinned and giggled, gazing into Sapnap's glassy blue eyes as the Ferris wheel turned.

Sapnap broke his gaze to look at the soft colorful sunset. "It's all yours, Karl."

"Hm?" Karl hummed as he turned to look at the setting sun.

"It's all yours, Karl. The world belongs to you. Because without you, there would be no light. You're the light in my life, Karl. You, you're the fire to my heart when it's snowing. You're the glow of a candle when it's dark at night. And that's why I love you. Because you make me who I am." Sapnap gently held Karl's face.

"Sapnap, you are the most beautiful man that has ever stepped into my life. You make me feel special."

"Because you were always special in the first place, Karl."

The Ferris Wheel stopped with a squeak and Karl and Sapnap were at the top. Karl felt his eyes tear up. "Sapnap, if you ever go, I'll miss you."

"I'm always here, Karl." Sapnap kissed Karl's lips softly. Karl smiled into their kiss as he felt all his pain, his sadness, his misery, leave his soul, and in came new light, a new fire that could never be put out.

Sapnap pulled back. "But my love, you need to let go."


"You need to let me go, Karl. You need to love again." Sapnap let go of Karl's hand.

"But...I love you," Karl weakly whispered.

"And I will always love you too, Karl. But you need to wake up. Wake up, Karl."


Karl opened his eyes. The strong white glow emitting from his phone washed over his face. He stared blankly at the memories captured in photos on the smooth surface of his screen.

Tears came rushing into his eyes, blurring his vision as he chucked his phone across the room. His heart shook with violent sobs as each shout tore him apart piece by piece, part by part.


Karl felt his world collapse around him; the pain, the sadness, the misery free-flowing like a river into his soul, and with every ounce of strength that was left in him, he screamed. He screamed until his lungs gave out, he screamed until he was left numb. Karl screamed, the sound of pure pain rushing out of his throat.


Karl fell to his knees, gripping his hair so hard it could rip out. He choked on his sobs until he couldn't cry anymore.

The room lit up from the glow of his phone. A small sound played, inaudible to Karl's ear.

Hey, Karl. Please get back to me. It's's been a week. Again, we all hope you're doing ok. I'm so sorry about Sapnap. We don't want to push it on you, but...the uh...the funeral is on Saturday. Take all the time you need. 


guys I'm so so sorry if I made you cry don't worry I cried too ok I did 

but otherwise I'm really proud of this chapter so I hope you thought it was good

anyways, love you all, please go get water if you need it, wash your face, give yourself a little break if needed <3

and enjoy Lila's chapter :D

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