The Royal Truce- Dreamnotfound

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its lila.

Backstory: George and Dream are both princes of opposing countries, but they have been in a secret relationship. The two countries are finally making a truce, but at what cost?


They hated the idea. The royals hated the idea of a truce between the two opposing countries, but Prince Dream and Prince George loved it. The royals had a meeting today to discuss the terms of the truce, and the two princes were anxious to see each other. Although they couldn't show it, they were in love, madly in love. 

As Prince George's family met the other royals in the Congregation Hall of the castle, the two boys exchanged glances for a short while. As they all sat down, the Kings and Queens of each kingdom talked about the terms. 

"We need ideas for the truce." One of the queens said.

"How about a duel?" A king said.

"Between whom?" The other king replied.

"Why not the princes? After all, the proceeders of the crowns are already chosen so they will not be needed any longer."

"I see your view. Although they are our family, I would have to agree. Our son versus yours. When one dies by the other's doing, the truce begins."

"But-" George said needily.

"No. I will not hear of it. There will be a duel." His father replied.

The royal families rose from their chairs and parted ways.  Both of the kings and queens talked to their sons about the plan to win. Both of the princes were heartbroken. Neither of them could fathom the thought of killing their lover, even if it meant peace between kingdoms. However, they both nodded their heads and agreed to their parent's plans. 

A few hours passed and neither of the kingdoms have communicated with the other. Both of the princes were left alone in the castle, nobody to interrupt them or stop them from killing each other.

"I can't do this. There has to be another way-" Dream said sorrowfully.

"There isn't. One dies and the countries join together."

"Why would they make us do this?"

"Because they want what's best for their kingdom, no matter who's in danger."

"I can't kill you, though." Dream looked at his boyfriend, knowing that one of them will be gone by nightfall.

"I know babe, I know. It will be hard, but it's for the kingdoms." George said, fighting back tears.

"I don't want to lose you."

"You won't. I'll always be with you. No matter where, no matter when, I'm with you. Always and forever Dream." George said softly. 

George stood up and walked over to Dream, helping Dream off of his seat. George grabbed Dream's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Dream started softly crying in the hands of George, tightening his grip on the small knife that he had behind George's back. George, unknowingly having the knife behind him, looked at his royal lover and wiped away his tears.

"I'm sorry." George whispered.

In one swift movement, George jerked his hands to the side, snapping the other's neck and releasing his grip. Dream fell to the floor, dead. However, George felt a sharp pain in his spinal area. Not knowing what it was, and his eyes blinded by tears, he sat back in his chair. He then felt the sharp pain worsen, realizing that Dream had plunged a small knife into George before he had died. George sat there, not moving, as he slowly bled.

"I'll see you soon, my love." George said. As those final words escaped his lips, he died, joining his love in the afterlife.

A/N: I have no words for what I have written. Hope you enjoyed!

Bye for now. ~Lila 

Enjoy Mei's chapter!! <3 

(565 Words)

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