Chapter 5

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It's now July and we hadn't long gotten off tour. (tour finished 1 July 2012) I was in a cafe getting a cup of tea before going to the interview.

I heard my name be called. I grabbed tea and turned going to walk out, when I bumped into someone spilling some of my tea on the floor.

Me: "sorry, sorry. Just my luck"

"It's okay, it's happens. My names Ethan what's yours?"

Me: "Darcy"

Ethan: "Nice to meet you"

Me: "you too, but I'm sorry I have to go I have a interview"

Ethan: "Okay, can I have your number?"

Me: "um, sure!"

Ethan: "alright, I'll call you!"

Me: "okay! Bye!"

After the interview at the flat with Harry.

Me: "I had a eventful day"

Harry: "what happened"

Me: "I went to get a cup of tea before the interview and I bumped into someone and spilt some on the floor"

Harry: "at least you didn't spill it on them or you"

Me: "I guess. His names Ethan I gave him my number"

Harry: "you did?"

Me: "yeah, he seems nice. I think I could really fall for him"

Harry: "I'll have to meet him"

Me: "woah protective best friend will have to wait a bit"

Harry: "aww, I just want to make sure he won't hurt you"

Me: "I know H but he hasn't even asked me on a date yet"

Harry: "he'd be stupid not to"


Harry: "I think we summoned him"

Me: "it might not be him!"

Harry: "is it him?"

Me: "yeah"

Harry: "what's he saying?"

Me: "Hey Darcy it's Ethan! How are you?"

Harry: "answer him!"

Me: " i am give me a chance H"

Harry: "what you putting?"

Me: "Hey! I'm alright who are you?"

Harry: "simple"

Me: "but effective"


Harry: "is he asking you out now?"

Me: "let's see. He said 'I'm okay thanks, are you free tomorrow?"

Harry: "DATE"

Me: "calm it H"

Harry: "yeah. What you answering with?"

Me: "yeah I'm free tomorrow"


Harry: "andddd?"

Me: "he asked me to meet him at the cafe"

Harry: "are you gonna go?"

Me: "yeah"

Harry: "remember you ring me if anything happens"

Me: "I know H, thanks"

Harry: "anytime. Make sure you have fun but not to much fun ;)"

Me: "Jesus H it's our first date"

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