Chapter 12

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- time skip a year-

The boys were now solo and One direction were on a 18 month hiatus. Since everything slowed down I'd realised I am in fact in love with Harry. I don't know if I should tell him? Would he feel the same? Would he reject me? Would our friendship be ruined?

I met with Niall in a cafe in London before he went backpacking hoping to get his advice on what I should do.

Me: "I need advice"

Niall: "shoot"

Me: "I love Harry, should I tell him?"

Niall: "finally! Yes tell him!!"

Me: "finally? How should I tell him?"

Niall: "it's obvious your both in love! Sit down and tell him how you feel!!"

Me: "okay Ni. Thank you"

Niall: "of course! Now when I get back you two better be together"

Me: "no promises"

That night I was at Harry house and decided I'd tell him that night.

Me: "H?"

Harry: "yeah"

Me: "I need to talk to you"

Harry: "anything. You haven't slept with Niall again?"

Me: "no H! That was one time!!"

Harry: "fine sorry, go ahead"

Me: "I love you. I think I always have but I've only realised the past couple weeks how I feel. I just thought I should tell you"

Harry: "I love you too Darcy always have, always will"

Me: "you do?"

Harry: "of course I do!"

The next morning ;)

Harry: "I have to tell you something"

Me: "anything"

Harry: " I went to the doctors the other day they think I have c-cancer"

Me: "WHAT! Why didn't you tell me H"

Harry: " I was scared. The minute I say it the minute it becomes real"

Me: "H don't be scared please, it is real and we will get through this together like we always do"

Harry: " I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore Darcy"

Me: "are you kidding H?! Of course I want to be with you! I love you!"

Harry: " I love you too."

Me: "and you said the doctors only think it's cancer?"

Harry: "I'm waiting for the phone call they have the results back"

Me: "I'll always be here H"


Me: "Answer it!"

Harry: "okay"

A minute or so later Harry gets off the phone.

Me: "so?"

Harry: " i don't know I have an appointment tomorrow to talk about the results"

Me: "I'll come with you"

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