Chapter 8

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TW: self harm

A couple months later I'd recently gotten my own flat and it was the premier for "this is us". I was stood with Anne and Robyn when Niall came over.

Niall: "hi!"

Anne: "hi Niall"

Niall: "I've got my braces off!"

Robyn: "you have?"

Niall: "yeah, look!"

I chuckled as Niall started showing Robyn and Anne his newly straight, braces free teeth.

A couple days later.

Thoughts clouded my head.
'What if I'm not good enough. Am I even pretty? Of course I'm not otherwise Ethan wouldn't have done what he did. I just want the pain to end'

I got a blade out and started cutting my wrists. I broke down crying just wanting to feel something. I then started to cut my thighs (I was wearing shorts.) I heard the door open and sat there shocked, Harry had walked in and dropped pizza on the floor.

Harry: "sorry but what the hell you doing?!"

Me: "I-I'm sorry"

Harry: "w-what's making you do this Darcy?"

Me: "what if I'm not good enough. Am I even pretty? Of course I'm not otherwise Ethan wouldn't have done what he did. I just wanted to feel something. I wanted the pain to end"

Harry: "oh Darcy. Listen to me! You are absolutely gorgeous! You are good enough! You are so fucking worthy of everything! Fuck Ethan he's a dick and didn't know what he was doing loosing someone as absolutely amazing as you! Now why you doing this when you know I used to do it? Who helped me through it?"

Me: "m-me and Gemma"

Harry: "exactly I'm going to help you through this. So next time you feel like cutting again I want you to do it to me instead"


Harry: " No, next time you do it to me"


Harry: "you are! Now I'm going to order a new pizza this one is kind of- are you eating pizza off the floor"

Me: "what? It's still in the box!"

Harry: "sometimes you shock me"

Me: "you love it really H-" taking another bite out of the pizza.

Harry: "wouldn't have it any other way. Now do you want me to order a new pizza?"

Me: "yeah the rest has floor on it. Only one piece was clean"

Harry: "pepperoni?"

Me: "pepperoni"

Harry: "I know you to well" smugly

Me: "don't start that again"

Harry: "right put a film on and I'll order the pizza"

Knowing Harry he'd probably want to watch the Notebook usually I'd love to watch it but today I'm not in the right mood to watch it. Instead I put on Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix.

Harry: "pizza will be here in 15- Harry Potter? Again?"

Me: "what about it"

Harry: "it's only because you have a crush on Oliver Phelps"

Me: "should I not? I mean look at him he is gorgeous"

Harry: "fair enough"

Me: "know who else is gorgeous"

Harry: "who?"

Me: "Natalia Tena she plays Tonks"

Harry: "here I thought you were going to say me" sadly but as a joke.

Me: "you know your beautiful H" poking his cheek.

Harry: "stop it your making me blush"

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