Chapter 10

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The boys had a interview coming up about their new album "midnight Memories". I was sat backstage listening.

Int: "What's your favourite song on the album?"

Liam: "mine would probably be You & I"

Niall: "Same as Liam You & I"

Harry: "Story of my life"

Louis: "little black dress"

Zayn: "Right now"

Int: "Harry your best friend is your makeup artist? Anything more happening there or just friends?"

Harry: "Just friends although my mum wants us to be together. We know everything about each other, we know each other better than we know ourselves we are basically each other's therapist. We've been through everything together and have helped each other through everything. Every brake up, every panic attack."

Niall: "yeah don't walk in on them watching Notebook and talking even if your the happiest person they will have you crying"

Harry: "it's not us it's the film"

Liam: "whatever you say"

After the interview.

Harry: "Can we go now"

Me: "yeah come on"

Niall: "can we get Nandos"

Me: "is that even a question"

Niall: "no?"

Me: "correct. Also what is it with every interviewer asking if there is anything between me and H?"

Louis: "no idea" sarcastically.

Me: "what?"

Zayn: "he is literally hugging you from behind as we speak"

Me: "so?"

Harry: "we love hugs"

Me: "Maybe Zayn wants a hug H"

Zayn: "I'm good for now"

Harry: "you sure"

Zayn: "yep"


Zayn: "what? Oh okay"

We all hugged and practically squished Zayn.

Niall: "can we go nandos now"

Me: "duh come on"


Back on tour for midnight memories. That night all the boys mums were coming to watch them. They seemed a lot more nervous than usual. There was 10 minutes until they had to go on stage and no one could find Harry, I had a feeling he was being sick like he used to and checked the toilet.

Me: "H?"

Harry: "mmhm"

Me: "are you being sick again?"

Harry: "yeah...."

Me: "don't be nervous H they love you! Your amazing! You have the best voice I have ever heard!"

Harry: "your just saying that..."

Me: "I'm not H, you really do"

Harry: "thank you Darcy. By the way we've saved you a seat next to my mum so you should probably go"

Me: "you'll be alright?"

Harry: "I'll be fine go"

Me: "alright, remember you've got this and I'm proud of you H"

I told Niall and Liam Harry was throwing up again and went and found Anne.

Me: "ANNE"

Anne: "DARCY! It's lovely to see you it's been awhile"

Me: "it has! To long if you ask me"

Maura: "Hi Darcy"

Me: "Hi Maura! How are you?"

Maura: "good thanks, how are you?"

Me: "I'm okay"

Johannah: "Hi Darcy!"

Me: "Hi!"

Karen: "they should be starting soon"

Me: "yeah when I left- they were just getting ready to go on"

Just as I said that the music started and the boys came out. After a couple songs I was watching them in their element smiling not listening to what Johannah and Anne were saying.

Johannah: "when will they notice?"

Anne: "that they are in love? No idea just hope it's soon"

Johannah: "how long have they been best friends?"

Anne: "since they were born, there is only 24 days between them"

Halfway through the last song.

Me: "I'm going to go meet them backstage"

Anne: "alright lovely see you soon!!"

Johannah: "see you soon!"

Maura: "lovely seeing you"

Me: "see you all soon! Bye!"

I ran through the arena hoping to get there before they finished. I reached backstage literally seconds before they got off the stage.

Harry: "Darcy!"

Me: "H! You were amazing tonight"

Harry: "thank you"

Me: "you all were!"

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