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"Found anything about someone drowning in the swimming pool?" Kongpob asked as they all gathered for lunch after their morning class

"No, no clues so far. That guys appeared out of nowhere" Sarawat replies, he asked Man and Boss to ask around but both failed to find any information

"I asked Fong to find from the Swim club members, he said he would let me know if he find out something" Tine replies as he puts capsicum in Sarawat's plate when he wasn't looking

Tine smiles proudly when saw Sarawat eating his lunch without noticing the pile of capsicum, Type rolled his eyes when saw Tine looking proud of his handy work.

"The boy appeared to be young, so I don't think he was a college student. Could be a student from a nearby school?" Tharn suggested thoughtfully, others nodded as they thought the same.

"When I joined college I expected to have a cool kid life! Parties! Late night clubs and lots of food but instead here I'm being haunted by ghosts!" Tine complained as he took a sip of his drink.

"None of us were actually expecting this when we Joined the college, Tine" Type pointed out

"I actually joined this college because they had the best materials for music majors unlike other colleges, what about you guys?" Tharn asked as he looks at others

"I joined because of college's reputation" Kongpob answered

"It was closest to my house so my mom choose it" Sarawat replies calmly

"I got 50% scholarship so I came here" Tine replies with a bright smile.

"I didn't know you were smart" Sarawat said in surprise

"Na, it's not like. It's awkward so explain how I got it" Tine chuckles

Everyone turns to look at Type who quietly eats his lunch, Type looks up when he feels pairs of eyes staring at him, "What?" 

"Why did you choose this college? I thought you would choose a college near your hometown?" Tharn asked, Type pauses before he spoke, "Just like that"

"What?! That's not good enough reason to come here" Tine points at Type and said in disappointment

"Well, you're isn't good enough too," Type shouted back.

                           "If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands!" Sin sang as he was watching some rhyme on Type's phone while Type was doing his homework. Few minutes later, Type closes his books and stood up after keeping them aside

"Sin, I'm going to bathe," Type told the ghost child who nodded as he clapped his hands.

Type grabs his clothes and enters the washroom, Type could hear Sin singing rhyme and smiles while washing his face, "If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands" Type heard Sin singing and then he heard a clap behind him.

Type was surprised and looked back, everything appeared to be normal so Type went back to wash his face. Type felt someone staring at him but ignored it.

Soon Type turned on the shower and let water fall down his body, Type extended his hands to grab the showergel but found it missing. He turns around to look for it but finds himself face to face with the water ghost instead.

It's body appeared to be made of water and he stared straight at Type without blinking, had Type not encountered the ghost before he would have definitely freaked out.

"Move aside, I'm not in the mood to deal with you," Type said calmly as he pushed the ghost away and grabbed the gel and started applying over his body as if the ghost wasn't standing there.

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