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There was thick tension as everyone looked at Tine who was in deep thoughts, Kongpob looked at Tine in worry and turned to Arthit.

"Talk to Tine..." Kongpob whispered as he looked towards Tine, Arthit nodded as he looked at Kongpob and then Tine.

Arthit slowly walked towards Tine and then stops a foot away from, he looks at Type who was struggling to breathe as ghost say tightened his grip over Type

"Tine..." Arthit spoke but then noticed something wrong, his body was becoming transparent as he stood near the ghost, he recalled the same thing happening near the washroom and took a step back in panic.

"What happened?" Kongpob asked in fear when he saw Arthit, Arthit turned to look at Kongpob and paused before he spoke, "He's too strong.... I can't maintain this body near him..."

"What's taking you so long? Did you forget what his brother did? Have you turned to sift?" The ghost boy mocked Tine who suddenly looks at him sharply

"No, I didn't!" Tine shouted in hatred, The ghost boy smiles in satisfaction and then turns to look at Arthit

"Then kill this boy, I promise I will show that happened that night and I promise you to devour his soul too," The ghost boy said as pointing at Arthit

Tine hesitated to answer but he then looks at Arthit and his eyes turned black, Kongpob noticed how the ghost was trying to manipulate Tine and quickly rushed to Tine's side

"Tine! He's trying to fool you! Please don't hate Arthit without knowing the truth!" Kongpob begged Tine but Tine turns to look at the ghost boy

"If you can do it...then I promise to do as you say..." Tine said indifferent to others reasons, the ghost was pleased with Tine's reaction and chuckles

"Good, you better not break your promise........" The ghost boy said calmly and claps his hands,

                                  Suddenly everything changed around Tine and Type and they found themselves outside the college building, it was pitch dark and they all were confused about what was happening around them.

Tine turns to look at the ghost but he appears to be a young boy wearing spectacles, "Why is he here?" Tine asked, he quickly pulled Type's hand and pulled him behind him.

The boy smiles in amusement at Tine's action and looks between both the boys before he speaks, "Let's find out the truth about what happened that night.."

Both Tine and Type looked at the ghost with caution, and suddenly the boy disappeared and they were only left there.

"Are you fine?" Tine asked Type, once he was sure that Boy was no longer around them, Type nodded as he didn't trust his voice.

Type opens his mouth to speak but then stops when he notices someone walking towards the college building. Type looked at his watch and found it at 1 am.

The guy looks around before he sneaks inside the building, both Tine and Type share a glance before going after the boy.

"Stupid Knot! Screaming just for a notebook..."

They heard a familiar voice and were stunned. Under the clear light, they saw an annoyed-looking Arthit walking towards the stairs but then stopped as his phone rang.

"P'Arthit!" Type shouted excitedly when he saw Arthit alive and kicking, Arthit was indifferent to Type's cry

"Type, This is a memory..." Tine reminds Type who clenched his fist in frustration.

Airthit was startled by his phone ringing and quickly picked up the call in fear of getting caught, "What the hell Type! It's 1 am" Both Tine and Type shared glances before looking back at Arthit who was busy on the phone.

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