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A week later......

Everyone except Tine had gathered for lunch at Engineering faculty, after the last incident Type became a little gloomy and moody which Tharn couldn't understand why.

Tharn looks at Type in worry and sighs, he looks at others and finds Kongpob looking distracted while Sarawat was busy on his phone. He noticed Tine missing and spoke, "Where's Tine?"

Type and Kongpob looks up in surprise and found Tine missing, they all realised that Tine was avoiding them recently but they couldn't point out why "He didn't reply" Sarawat whispered as he looks down at his phone

"What happened at the College roof?" Tharn asked feeling uneasy, Type and Kongpob steal a glance which made Tharn feel more annoyed

All of a sudden Type became close to Kongpob which made Tharn feel annoyed but he has no right to stop Type, he even begged Sin to stalk Type but the ghost child refused directly.

"Nothing, what's making you think so?!" Type said sharply

"Type, I'm just worried about you. You are being weird since you all came back even Tine is avoiding us. What actually happened that night?" Tharn tries to explain himself

Type was pissed by Tharn's word and was about to shout at him but Kongpob grabs his hand and shakes his head. Type took a deep breath to calm himself and went back to have his lunch.

Tharn didn't miss a single interaction and his face stiffened as he looked at Kongpob who was still holding Type's hand, "When did they become close?" Tharn whispered meanwhile Sarawat ignored the drama and was busy using his phone.

"I will return to my dorm, I don't have afternoon class" Kongpob informs them as he stood up, Tharn and Sarawat nodded while Type stood up too

"I will join you," Type told Kongpob, making Tharn frown deeper. He silently watches them leave before grabbing his bag and returning to his class in an upset mood.

                               Tine was purposely avoiding others, after the last incident he felt everything was confusing once he thought with a calm mind. Tine returned to his cousin's home and was in deep thoughts as he tried to analyse everything.

"Don't become an idiot due to thinking too much, I don't want Nai to bring you as dowry" Tine looks up and whines when he saw Tanai's boyfriend sitting opposite to him while having coffee

"P'Earth! You should be the one to offer me dowry if you want to marry my brother!" Tine complained, totally forgetting about an older man insulting him a few minutes ago.

"Really? How much do you want? I'm ready with money if you can make your brother say yes" Earth replies as he sulks, he already proposed to his boyfriend many times but he got rejected every single time.

Tine looked at Earth in surprise and spoke, "Phee rejected you? Finally, he realised that you're not worth him!" Earth glared at Tine which made younger chuckle in amusement

"You know the reason Tine" Earth replies calmly, Tine nodded sadly. Tanai refused to settle until his younger brother gained consciousness. Earth noticed Tine's face saddening and tries to cheer him up

"Anyway! Once Ai gains consciousness, he will kick me out instead of approving us. You brothers are hard to please" Earth complained, making Tine smile sadly

"Will P'Ai ever wake up?" Tine asked in an upset voice, Earth sighs and took a seat next to Tine. He gently rubs Tine's head and spoke, "Your brother is strong, trust him"

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