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In The Class……….

Tine, Type and Sarawat stood in front of the whole class awkwardly, the teacher was quietly standing near the podium without speaking even all the other students were staring at them as if they were some kind of exotic species at the display 

“Hello, my name is Tine” Tine introduced himself with a charming smile but suddenly everyone ignored him and stared at their book instead 

“Rude..” Tine whispered under his breath in annoyance 

“I’m Sarawat,” Sarawat said loudly but no one paid any attention, before Type could introduce himself Teacher cleared his throat and started teaching on board.

“Let’s take the seat” Sarawat whispered as he found everyone very weird, Tine and Type nodded and moved towards the empty seat.

The class had a single desk and bench, arranged in a row of five with little distance between each seat. The teacher was an old balding guy who wasn’t bothered if students were paying attention or not.

They felt all the eyes over them as they walked towards the empty seats. Two in the middle row and one in front near the window. Type decided to take a seat in the front row while Sarawat and Tine moved towards the middle row.

Soon as Type took the seat, he felt a chill run down his body as everyone stopped doing their work and stared at him as if he just offended them. 

Type at first decided to ignore them all but even after ten minutes, they kept staring at him, “Mind your own fucking business or I will beat the shit out of you all" 

Suddenly Type stood up and shouted angrily, “Sir, this student is being rude in class” Tine raise his hand and said innocently

Type threw dragged at Tine who simply blinked at him, making Type feel more irritated. Sarawat noticed how all students snickering and whispering among themselves while looking at Type. 

Type started to feel uncomfortable as everyone, even the teacher, turned to look at them angrily, “You good for nothing! Apologies to your classmates for troubling them!” The teacher shouted at Type who look at him in surprise 

Sarawat was about to stand up to speak in Type’s defence but Tine grabbed his hand and signalled him not to interfere. Sarawat looks at Type in fear that he might do something stupid 

“The fuck?! I didn’t do anything wrong!” Type shouted in irritation, Teacher was fuming in anger and threw the book he was holding at Type and luckily Type was able to avoid getting hit

“Get out of my class!” The teacher shouted, Type kicked the chair and shouted back before leaving the class, “Who the hell wanna stay here?! Go fuck yourself baldie!” 

Tine cups his face as he leans over the desk and stares at the bench that was occupied by Type a few seconds ago with a tiny smile meanwhile Sarawat was confused about how suddenly everyone returned back to their book and the teacher started teaching again as if nothing happened a few minutes ago.

“Tine?” Sarawat whispered in worry, Tine looks at Sarawat calmly and points towards the class, “Don’t interrupt whatever is happening” Tine said as he leans back on his desk and closes his eyes 

                           Type angrily walked out of class, he walks around randomly to calm himself when suddenly two boys stood in front of him, blocking the way

“Move” Type looks at the boys and said but none of them moved, instead they laughed at hearing Type

“Are you deaf?! I said to move” Type said again loudly, already he was in bad mood and they were making it worse

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