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Soon as Tine kicked the boy closest to him, other boys became alert. Another boy ran in Tine’s direction to punch him but Tine grabbed his hand and then hit the boy with his elbow. The boy groans in pain while the other three looks at Tine in rage.

“Get him!” The leader shouted at the other two boys who nodded and rushed in Tine’s direction, Tine grins widely and kicks one of the boy’s knees while hitting the other one in the face.

“So boring!” Tine commented while walking towards the leader who was cowering away in panic as he was the only one left while friends were laying on the ground

“Let’s play together now,” Tine said in a singsong voice as he grabbed the leader’s hand tightly.

Tine felt someone running in his direction and quickly turned around and kicked the guy in the stomach, “No sneak attack!” Tine spoke, giving a boy a disappointed voice.

“W...who are you?!” The leader shouted in fear

“Me? Muahaha……..” Tine points at himself and laughs loudly, making other boys crawl away in fear

“I’m your father! You dare to provoke me?!” Tine shouted as he pulls the leader’s hand behind his back and then kicking in his knee, the boy fell down in pain

The other four boys stood up while shaking as they looked at Tine, “Leave or I will kill you all and make you my slave” Tine whispered coldly as he pulled on the leader's hair to make him look at him.

“Let me go! Let me go please!” The leader screamed when Tine pulled his hair roughly, while others watched in fear.

“What’s going on here?”

Suddenly they heard a voice and turned to look towards the door where Sarawat was standing and looking at Tine in confusion. Sarawat was breathing heavily and it appeared that he ran all around the school in search of Tine and Type

“Oh! Sarawat! I’m teaching these guys a lesson not to bully others, Wanna give me a hand?” Tine replies as he steps on the boy’s leg, making him scream in pain.

Sarawat saw a boy slowly moving towards Tine and grab him, Sarawat punched the boy without thinking much and then gave others a threatening look

“Shall we kill them or let them live for today?” Tine said in a chilling voice which made everyone tremble.

“Let them go, we need to take Type to the infirmary” Sarawat pointed out, Tine pouts as he remembered about Type and pushed the leader away.

The leader fell on his face and then quickly got up, he didn’t dare to look at Tine and quickly ran out of the room along with his friends.

Tine bends down and looks at Type who leans at the wall, “Ahh! You look so ugly, I lost my interest in you” Tine commented as he looks at Type and cups his face.

Sarawat shakes his head in amusement while Type glares him, a few seconds laters Type’s gaze becomes soft as he looks at Tine, “Thank you..”

“Mention not, I’m loyal to my friends. Fortunately, you are one of them” Tine said as he pats Type’s shoulder, making him hiss in pain.

“Sorry! I forgot you were beaten to death, you are all bark and no bite” Tine said in disappointment, Type threw the punch at Tine but Tine quickly moves away

“They took me by surprise!” Type replies in annoyance

“Yes! Yes! Tiger! Let’s get you treated! Want me to princess carry you?” Tine offers with mischievous smiles, as he pretends to lean down to carry Type.

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