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First Day of college...

The loud cheering, laughing and giggling voices of students could be heard all over the campus.

The National University of Thailand was biggest university in Thailand that covers various fields like engineering, Medical, Law, sports etc,

It was the beginning of the new semester for the first year and everyone was waiting excitedly in the line to get their name card.

Unlike other colleges, Students of N.U.T. needs to attend the first couple of weeks of cheering activities together and it doesn't matter which stream you belong.

It was done to make students get familiar with their fellow classmates, seniors and college.

Tharn was waiting in line impatiently for his best friend who still hasn't returned, the boy was supposed to get the drinks for them.

Suddenly he saw Lhong looking around while sipping his coffee which made Tharn feel like smacking Lhong's head

He was about to shout Lhong's name when the boy turned around and grins when he spot Tharn and waved

"Yo! Dude, where did you disappear?" Lhong asked as he entered the queue and stood in front of Tharn.

"What took you so long? And where's my drink?" Tharn asked in irritation

"Well.... it's a long story so in short, I met this cute boy who looked lost so I ended up helping him..." Lhong started the story but Tharn interrupted him

"What does it have to do with my Sprite?" Tharn asked in confusion

"Well, the poor boy was thirsty so I ..." "You gave him my Sprite?" Tharn shouted, making everyone turn around to look at them.


"Fuck you Lhong!" Tharn shouted in annoyance, he was waiting in the line for fifteen minutes now

"Sorry dude but that boy was seriously so cute, especially his teary eyes as he looks around for his friends" Lhong said dreamily, making Tharn's mood worse

"Seriously, why am I still friends with you?" Tharn muttered under his breath in irritation.

"Khun Tharn! I'm sorry, I will treat you to lunch later, calm down for now" Lhong wai at Tharn before he faces the seniors who hand him a name card.

Sarawat calmly follows Man and Boos who looks around the college as if they were at some kind of concert, Sarawat rolled his eyes when they points at some girls and whispers to each other in excitement

"Ai'Wat! Show some excitement, we are surrounded by beauties" Man shouted as he wrapped his arm around Sarawat when he saw all girls stealing the glance of their friend.

Sarawat looks at the arm around his shoulder and then at Man who removed it awkwardly while running back to Boss's side

"He will die single...." Boss whispers to Man who nodded and wipes their imaginary tears as if they could already see it happening

"Are you both done?" Sarawat said in annoyance as he was getting irritated for being centre of attention

"Ahh... yes majesty!" Both Man and Boss said as they bow, making Sarawat roll his eyes and walk away quickly with Man and Boss running after him.

"Say Wat, what club you plan to join?" Man asked as they collected their name card

"Music and maybe football?" Sarawat replies

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