My hobby's

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So these are my hobby's, in no particular order. i have quite a lot. 

1. Playing the Uke

2. Singing

3. Dancing

4, Drawing

5. Writing

6. Painting

7. Watching Movies

8. anything outside(almost anything*

9. rock collecting (ima dork)

10. studying Volcanoes just for fun

11. reading

12. listening to music

13. watching glee

14. helping people 

15. studying anything science related just for fun(unless it's the reproductive system)

16. talking to my friends or girlfriends

17. making/designing clothes

18. anything artsy 

19. ignoring gender roles and wearing the fuck i want

i think that's all, if not, i'll make a part two!

random fact: number 19 is an actual hobby bc i get told i shouldn't dress a certain way cuz ima "Lady". i'm not, i'm not a girl, i was just born one.

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