Friend Profile: me

16 3 28

this is a joke lmfaoo but i want to do it

welp i can't tag myself ig lmfao

but this is me lol

Name: Jay/Jamie, Bli, tills, Tilly

Age: bitch no

relation: uhmmm......myself?

sexuality: iM tHe sTrAiGhTeSt pErSoN eVeR

personality: dorky, kinda nice, a bitch when she have to be, loves helping ppl and being a dork b/c why tf not. very morbid and protective. won't hesitate to beat a bitch if their friends get hurt. very very very insecure

Likes: gayness, glee, hugs and cuddles, Prince, Purple, music,reading

Dislikes: anyone who hates the LGBTGIA+ community, anyone who is racist, assholes, pink, liars, meanies people who flirt with my gf's.

hobbies: Rick rolling people, sharing random facts, making my friends and gf's blush, drowing ppl in love, spamming ppls mb's

secret: i love  refrigerators

random fact: they believe everyone is beautiful........except herself.

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