Friend Profile: Eve

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Name: eve

age: HAHHA as if

secret: welp not  a secret, but we know each other irl

personality: well, kinda hard 2 explain, but i will say this. don't hurt her or anyone she loves/cares about or  you'll get ur ass kicked. nice, but only when she wants to be and will cut a bitch off if need be. and she's really sweet. when u get to know her, she comes off as a bitch, like me. maybe it's cuz we have very similar personalities and we're both Capricorns.

sexuality: well she dated me, so obviously not straight lol. she's a pan queeeeeeen 

hobbies: for some reason, making me blush, being "mean" bossing me around, watching anime. and other things lmfaoo

how did i meet her: through a mutual friend at school.

relationship: frienemey/ friend, ex, mother

random fact about her: she's morbid, just like me

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