Body Image issue's

12 4 2

TW: eating Disorders

so some of you know this already, but i want to talk about it cuz some of you don't.

so some of you might notice that 99.9% of the time, i don't accept compliments. i say they're not true.

or i joke about disliking myself, or joke about being ugly or dumb or stupid-

yeahhhh it's cuz i actually think those things about myself.

i have low self esteem. like ughhhhhhh

which is why i put myself down so much

or at least try to-

because when i do it around my girlfriends or my friends they tell me not to, or say it's not true.

but yea, that's why i don't like eating, it's also what led to my low self confidence and eventually made me  purge and starve myself, two things that i haven't done in a bit. i purged twice, but i starve myself more than that. sometimes it's not even on purpose.

but i'm working on it.

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