Friend profile: Gracie/MOM

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name: Gracie

age: ha no

how we met: uhm.......idk i barely remember, but i think we met on someone's MB

relation: my friend/confidant/MOM

secret: she laughs when i call her mom

personality: s c a r y lmfaoooooooo nice but will call u out if need be, is really good at giving advice and making u laugh by saying random ass things at the most unexpected time. can come across as mean but isn't unless u give her a reason to be.

hobbies: being random af, simping hehehe(sorry but it's true) calling me dumbass(the only person who can call me that without me getting offended) watching quackity.

pet peeve: ima guess when her cat eat's her money-

random fact:  she doesn't think she is scary, but i do.

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