Profile: Gracie

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i didn't put friend b/c-

well actually she is my friend, she's just also my girlfriend


Name: Gracie

Age: ha no

Relation: at this point u should know but, Girlfriend/cg/little/bestie

how did we met: actually i'm pretty sure she commented on my MB.

Personality: nice as hell unless you get on her bad side. is very protective and cuddly. an is a simp. and loves hugs. and is really good at giving pep talks. and a really good listener.

likes: anything gay, hugs, cuddles, Melanie Martinez, me(hehehe), calling me names lol, glee, dua lipa, Gilbert Blythe

dislikes: racist ppl, homophobic, transphobic or biphobic ppl, meanie, finn flirting with me(or anyone else lmfao)

hobby's: spamming peoples mb's, making me blush, being ADORABLE, purposely turning me on b/c she is evil. writing, simping hhehehe

secret: she likes calling me bitch lol

sexuality: oH sHe'S tOtAllY sTrAiGhT

random fact: we have 3 children hehe

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