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🎀Italics Jimin

I told you Jungkook there's no need to hurry...

"Yes, I need some time... "
(Didn't have the heart to tell whatever his father had told him)

Shall we go home?
(Still hugging him)


Scene: In the Car

"Jimin I have a trip. I will leave tomorrow evening at 8 and come back in five days, you can manage right?"

A work trip Jungkook?

"Yes... I will even leave for work early..."
(A/N you liar)

Alright... Don't forget to have fun...

Jungkook smiles sadly at him.

Jimin's PoV

I'm sure something's wrong. He isn't the only one who can understand a change in emotions... If his parents told him something stupid or demeaned him, which I'm sure he will tell me, I'm gonna go and lecture them up so so badly... I get really pissed when someone insults Gguk like that... And if this time, they tell something like he isn't my son or a man, I'm gonna beat his father with a broom for sure! I won't care if he's older. Just because he's Jungkook's father doesn't mean he can make his son do everything for his sake, control him in every manner. That man needs to understand his son can make choices too

He looks so damn upset.... What could have gone wrong? I even saw them hugging

Who was that girl?

I should not ask him.
Jimin don't interfere in his private space... Control your curiosity a bit...

Jungkookie you listening to me?


I'm hungry...

Oh I'm so sorry... I was so pre occupied with something I completely...

Hey hun no need to apologize...I'm hungry, not dying haha! Relax...

Wait wait!


Stop the car! Stop stop!

"Huh? A medicine shop? Are you alright?"

Yes. Wait a bit....

Jimin hurries, buys something and runs back

"What did you buy?"

Nothing serious don't worry....


Author's PoV

However as soon as they returned home, Jungkook changed and retired to bed without saying a word to him

Jimin wanted to eat but ended up having just water as he sang to Bo softly and placed him on their bed as he had promised his son,

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