sea sick.

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The ocean was sickening. The way the boat would move along with the waves and crash into one another bothered Alex. He hated being in any kind of transportation that would go across large bodies of water. On the other hand, Wilbur, Alex's tall, and quite handsome boyfriend, was enjoying the bounce of the waves.

Wilbur had always loved playing in water as a kid. It reminded him jumping into the deep ocean, the cool temperature hitting your skin, and the sand pellets rubbing against the bottom of your feet. Wilbur loved marine life, his favorite animal in the ocean was the orca whale. Wilbur never really knew why the killer whale caught his attention, maybe because of it's black and white pattern, or the way the sun shines on the whale, lighting up it's dull skin to a bright orange with hints of yellow. Wilbur was admiring the Ocean out the window of his shared cabin. He was immediately snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a soft voice coming from the medium sized bed.

"Wilbur..?" Alex spoke softly, curled up into the pearly white blanket the cabin offered.

"Yes, darling?" Wilbur gently said as he climbed on the bed with his lover, wrapping his arms around his short build.

"What went through your mind when you suddenly thought of the idea to ride in a boat to Mexico? We could have taken a plane." Alex said a bit more sternly as he shifted into a comfortable position on the bed.

"Hun, we have been traveling by plane until now. We flew from Brighton to Florida, we only recently gotten onto the boat." Wilbur stated, a concerned tone lacing his voice.

"Plus, don't you want to enjoy the natural environment for once? The ocean it beautiful, you should be grateful Alex." Alex scrunched his nose up at the comment, disagreeing. He felt his stomach churn as he hugged himself tighter. Wilbur wasn't very fond about Alex's sea sickness. he had thought he just feared the ocean.

"Alex?" Wilbur gently spoke as he uncovered the blanket blocking Alex's face. As the blanket was slowly taken off, Wilbur noticed the way Alex's face quickly twisted from pain, to disgust. Wilbur had grown worried, still oblivious to Alex's sea sickness.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Wilbur spoke as he laid next to his petite boyfriend, wrapping his arms around Alex's waist, pulling him in closer.

"You alright Hun?" Wilbur said as he caressed Alex's cheek with his thumb.

"I'm fine, I just don't like the sea too much, that's all." It had suddenly clicked in Wilbur's mind, Alex didn't like the ocean because he was scared of it, it was because he didn't enjoy getting sick on a long ride, which was fairly understandable for Wilbur. Wilbur ran his hands through Alex's silky raven hair, with a slight brown tint. 

"I'm sorry." Wilbur muttered, he was upset that he brought his partner on a ride he wouldn't enjoy, he hated seeing his lover in the slightest pain.

"It's fine, just don't do it again." Alex spoke just above a whisper, quickly dozing off into Wilbur's arms. Wilbur had smiled, kissing the top of his forehead, laying his chin on Alex's head and slowly falling asleep as well.


short n' sweet.

536 Words

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