Hiking Trip |Part 1|

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I do not own Inazuma eleven, its characters, you or the pictures used! There's going to be two parts cause this is kinda long to fit into one part.

Four hours...four long, boring hours!

"When are we gonna get there!" Nagumo shouted impatiently.

"We have about another hour so chill out." Reina turned around in the front seat to stare at Nagumo.

"Hmph" He crossed his arms and stared out the window. you giggled quietly to yourself and looked around the van. Midorikawa and Hiroto were sitting in the seat behind Osamru and Reina. Nagumo and Suzuno where sitting behind you, Clara and Aphrodi.

"Midorikawa what book is that?" You looked over his shoulder.

"Eragon" he said bluntly before going back to reading.

"Oh.....do you have any other books?" You interrupted him once more. he pointed to his bag next to his foot not even looking up from his book.

"Arigato" you looked through the books but didn't find any that sparked your interest.

"What so good about books anyway?" Nagumo leaned over the seat and rested his head on your shoulder.

"They're very interesting actually. You should try reading more Nagumo-Kun" you giggled. Suzuno just rolled his eyes.

"I read!" Nagumo protested. Suzuno snorted and stared at the both of you.

"Ya and pigs fly....."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Nagumo shouted at the blue haired boy. The two bickered back and forth or awhile.

"Aphrodi-Kun, Hiroto-Kun, what are you doing?" you stared at the two. They seemed to be holding something.

An object was held in front of your face, "Wanna try it?"

"Shock...gum?" You looked at the object. you shrugged and pulled on the end, "Ah! I can't feel my hand!" You cried out in surprise. your entire hand was numb, Aphrodi and Hiroto were chuckling. You stuck your tongue out at them and grabbed you phone.

"Nagumo, Suzuno over here" you pointed the camera at the two.

"Don't you dare!" Suzuno growled. you laughed as the two tried to get away from each other.

"Too late" you chirped and showed them the picture. Suzuno tried to snatch the phone out of your hands but you were to quick and pulled the phone back.

"Nope! Midorikawa look here" Midodikawa looked up from his book and you leaned over the seat taking a picture of the both of you. You ended up taking several pictures inculding one where Nagumo was flipping off the camera.

~Time Skip~

"Finally!" Nagumo leaped out of the van, Suzuno sighed and followed suit. the rest of you got out and made your way down to a small pond near by while Osamru drove the van to the camp site.

"Clara-San! Look, salamanders!" You pointed to the pond, just below the edge of the water were several salamanders.

Clara took of her sandals and put them on the bench next to Hiroto "let's go catch some then"

You nodded and followed her into the pond slowly. Hiroto, Midorikawa, and Aphrodi were sitting at the picnic table and Nagumo was sitting on a tree branch that hung over the pond. After awhile you two had gotten Suzuno to join you in the pond when Aphrodi got your attention.

"Minna Nagumo fell asleep in the tree"

Sure enough the Ex-captain had fallen asleep on the thickish branch.

~Time skip~

Nagumo walked ahead of the group, a water trailed after him. Suzuno was still laughing at the soaked red head.

"Nagumo-kun, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you!" you walked to the said person's side. He didn't look at you, instead he grunted and continued walking. Back when you guys where at the pond you threw a good sized stone at near his head which scared him and caused him to fall out of the tree....into the pond....

Grabbing his shoulder you forced him up stop and look at you, "What's it going to take for you to forgive me?" The others passed the both of you and kept walking telling you that they'd be at the camp site.

"This" he snaked his arms around your waist and smashed his lips to yours. You stood there frozen until he pulled away smirking.

"Now I forgive you" with that he walked away. your clothes felt.....well wet and a bit heavy, looking down you realized, not only had Nagumo gotten your clothes wet but he also stole you first kiss.



So this is it for part one I will have part two up either later tonight or tomorrow. I hope you enjoy and I'm very sorry for the long wait. till next time, ciao! :D

Also I will be taking requests starting tonight.

Inazuma Eleven Drabblesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें