Revenge Gone Wrong (Gouenji x reader)

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I don't own Inazuma Eleven! I hope you enjoy and i'm so so so so soooo sorry it took so long to update.

Requested by: MaJoseRuiz

(F/n) = First name

(L/n) = Last name


~Nobody's POV~

Since today was Inazuma Japan's day off, everything was peaceful and relaxing for all....well except for (F/n) (L/n) that is.

"KOGURE!" Your voice boomed through out the lodge. A blur of white, blue and grey zipped through the living room, past a confused Kidou and Sakuma, and into the kitchen.

"What did he do this time?" Kazemaru looked up at you. Unintentionally you glared at the blue haired defender, making him shift his seat away from you a bit.

Midorikawa looked up from his book, "did he steal your lollipops again?"

Yes you loved the point where you had a secret stash. Sadly though Kogure knew where it was, no matter how many times you moved it.

"No. Actually he did quite the opposite." You replied through clenched teeth.

"What do you mean?" Toramaru titlted his head at you.

You seethed in anger as you told everyone what Kogure had done, "He put lollipops with bugs in the center in my secret stash of candy! The worse part is that I actually started eating one until I saw it had a bee at the center of it" Your face must have been redder than a tomato by thus point.

Arms wrapped themselves around you and a chin rested on your shoulder, "I'm sure you'll get him back don't worry."

You turned and kissed the person's cheek, "Ohiyo Shuuya-Kun." yes you and Gouenji are dating, you have been for a few months now.

He smiled and kissed your forehead, "Just don't go over board this time ok (F/n)-chan"

You nodded and scampered off to plot your revenge.

~Time Skip, 1 hour later~

Within the past hour you collected everything you needed and set the plan into motion. You went from room to room setting everything you had into place. You heard something fall then some cursing from the top of the stairs.

"Seriously!" the person sounded angry. You peeked around the corner and spoted a person you really did not want to piss off.

"Uh oh..." you covered your mouth. Fudou-san walked into your trap you set for Kogure. He was currently covered in what looked like water before he came stomping down the stairs.

~Your P.O.V~

"Fudou-san! Wait!" I shouted but he didn't listen. He stepped on a wire before white clouded my vision. He just set off the bucket of flour. I didn't even think strait before making a mad dash to the kitchen, terrified of what would come if I stayed there any longer.
A little while later most of the team was outside for practice. The others that weren't were inside cooling off for a bit. One of those people being Kogure. I snickered and quietly walked up behind Kogure, a large spider in my hands. I went to grab the collar of his shirt and put the spider down it but he moved and I stumbled a bit, loosing track of the spider along the way. By the time I spotted it again it was too late. It rested on Midorikawa's head, slowly making its way towards the front before it fell in to his lap.

He freaked put and flung the spider off him causing it to land on Sakuma. He froze in place as it crawled up his arm. Quickly I ran over and scooped it up before running out of the lodge. Another fail!

After six hours off trying to prank the damn boy I gave up. I went into the kitchen to remove the trap i set in the door way when two people walked in the kitchen.

"Shes trying really hard to prank you, you know that right?" The first voiced sighed. The second snickered in response.

"Ya but its not going to work. I'm gonna head to my room. Night" Kogure started heading towards the door but I couldn't set the trap off fast enough. A combination of paste, feathers, yelling and laughing were all that was heard and seen in the kitchen.

~Nobody's P.O.V~

After everything fluttered to the ground and you could see again, you saw someone one the ground rolling around in a fit of laughter while another groups of people stood in the door way, shocked. The last person turned around and faced you causing your breath to hitch in your throat. The person covered in a glue like subtance and feathers was non other than Gouenji Shuuya.

"Oh no" you whispered and clasped a hand over your mouth. Silently he made his way over to you and you backed up slowly until your back hit the wall.

"S-shuuya-kun. I'm so sorry. trap..I" you couldn't get the words out quick enough before you where brought into a bone crushing hug.

He bent down and murmured in your ear, "I thought i told you not to go over board, (F/n)-chan"

You shivered at his tone, "I'm so so soo sorry. Please forgive me!" you squeaked in reply.

"Fine, but you owe me big with this one." he smirked and pulled you in for a kiss. You gladly returned, wrapping your arms around his neck before someone cleared their throat behind you. You both pulled away and truned to the others.

"I want to say i'm so sorry for everything that I did today" You bowed repeatedly. After you finally stood up, you fauled to notice the grin every one was giving you. Before you could even open you mouth to ask you felt someone pull the collar of your shirt back and something slimey fall into your shirt.

"AHH!!!" You screeched. Lets just say everyone scattered like cockroaches when you flick on a light.

~Later that night~

"I can't believe you all did that!" you light smacked Gouenji's chest. He chuckled and gently ran his fingures through your hair. You felt content and layed your head on his chest.

"I'll get him next time" You murmured softly.

He smiled and whispered a soft, "I love you." pulling you closer to him.

You hummed in response before falling asleep in his embrace, "I love you too, Shuuya-kun."


I really really hope you all like this. Again I am so so so so sooooooo sorry that i took so long to update. I promise to try to update sooner. Things have been kinda rough these past few months but i'm doing my best, bare with me. Really hoped you enjoyed this. Thank you reading and being patience. Till next time, Ciao!

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