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Camryn was curled against Steve's chest when the alarm of a watch woke her up. She had fallen asleep when they were binge watching TV shows, and as usual, Steve attempted to tuck her into his bed to sleep. It was never successful long since Camryn would always get out of the bed and curl up with him on the couch.

In her opinion, there was no reason why Steve shouldn't sleep in his own bed when he tucked her in. It was absolutely ridiculous, so she would always protest by getting out of bed and snuggling up to him. Over time it just became a ritual neither one of them had any desire to break.

Her vision was bleary as she aimlessly groped around for her watch, thinking she was getting a summons to Shield. It was only when she grabbed her watch and stopped the alarm that she realized she wasn't the only one being called for a mission.

"Well, I guess we're both up." She mumbled, resting her head back down on Steve's chest for a moment. She heard his soft sigh as his fingers began to card through her hair. "Stop it. You'll put me to sleep."

Steve chuckled. "I wish we could just go back to sleep." He admitted. Not that he really slept. But if skipping the mission meant he could stay curled up with Camryn, he wouldn't argue.

Over time he was sure he had developed real feelings for her, but he knew after what happened with the kiss, he couldn't push it if he didn't want to lose her. He wouldn't pretend to understand what their cuddling on the couch meant, or the fact that they were constantly together. He would just be happy with what he had.

Camryn on the other hand believed she had already ruined her chances with Steve. She kept the fluttering in her stomach every time she saw him to herself. She ignored the way her heart skipped a beat when he called her doll. She knew it was silly to have developed a crush on Steve, so she did everything in her power to squish it down and pretend like it didn't exist.

The truth of the matter was that they were both idiots, plain and simple.

Sliding off his chest, Camryn stood up and stretched, Steve averting his gaze as his oversized shirt rode up. He was still respectful. He didn't look where he didn't have permission to, and he tried to ignore the way seeing Camryn in his clothes made him feel.

"Meet you down at my car in ten?" She suggested, knowing it would be much easier to carpool to headquarters.

"Yeah, of course, doll." He said, watching her smile before disappearing out the door and heading to her apartment.

Many times he had suggested it would be easier for her to keep some stuff at his place, but she always argued, saying it would ruin her ritual she went through before every mission. Soon enough he had conceded and let the matter drop.

True to their word, the both of them were ready ten minutes later, arriving at headquarters after fifteen.

When they had arrived, the two realized they were supposed to go to two seperate debriefing rooms, and it seemed they didn't have the same mission after all.

"Hey, be safe, doll, okay? Follow orders and please don't do anything to get yourself killed." Steve told her, holding onto her hand. Camryn insisted they kept physical contact to a minimum at work. She didn't want rumors to start.

"When am I not safe?" She replied, giggling at the look he gave her. "Okay, okay, I promise. You be safe too."

He squeezed her hand before letting go, the two of them heading to their respective conference rooms.

When Camryn arrived at hers, she was surprised to see Fury waiting for her.

"Director Fury," she said, taking her seat. "I'm surprised to see you, sir. You usually don't give mission briefings."

Loyalties Lie [s. r.]Where stories live. Discover now