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Camryn sat in the Quinjet, checking the various weapons she had gathered. She had been told to grab more than what she normally might since they didn't know exactly what they were going up against. So she had grabbed two guns, plenty of refill cartridges, as well as three knives stashed away on her body. And her personal favorite, her throwing stars.

Most of the time her stars weren't practical, and so she tended to use a gun, but they were a last line of defense if the time came to it. She hoped she wouldn't need them though.

She stood up as she finished her final check on her weapons. "What's the game plan here?" She asked Steve, moving to stand in front of him. "Because if Loki has an army and that portal gets opened, we have no clue what we'll be up against."

"We try to stop Loki. And if we can't, we fight." Steve said, like it was the most simple thing ever. But it wasn't. They had no idea what Loki's army looked like, or how to fight them. Aliens were new territory for all of them.

"What a comprehensive plan." Camryn replied sarcastically. "I do hope you don't ever lead Shield missions with that creativity."

Steve shot Camryn an unimpressed look. He wasn't sure he had ever met someone with as much of a mouth as she had. She always had some witty reply, and girls from the 40s just typically weren't like that. Most of them at the very least. He was momentarily reminded of Peggy, and his heart ached. He missed her. He missed his life. Sometimes he wished he had never been saved from the ice.

He was broken from his thoughts when Natasha warned the two passengers that it would be a rough landing. He grabbed the handle above him, watching as Camryn did the same. It took him a minute to realize one of the wings of the jet had been hit, and they were going down fast.

They crashed into the ground quickly, everyone jerking. Camryn struggled to hold onto the grips above her, her feet lifting from the ground. In a quick motion Steve managed to wrap an arm around her to steady her until they had stopped moving.

They all breathed a collective sigh of relief, Natasha and Clint unbuckling their seatbelts as Camryn pushed away from Steve.

"Uh, thanks, I guess." She said quietly, clearing her throat as she hit the button to open the ramp. The two previous pilots followed her and Steve down, their weapons in hand. They had no clue what they were walking into.

The group ran into the streets, finding themselves in the middle of a four-way street when a deep roar bellowed through the city, bringing everything to a stop, including the four heroes. They looked up as a shadow overpassed them, easily spotting the wide open portal in the middle of the sky.

"Well shit. That can't be good." Camryn murmured a moment before a huge beast passed through over top of them. "Yep. Nope. Not good at all."

Chitauri soldiers began to fling themselves off the beast and attach to the sides of buildings, sliding down moments later. Others crashed into the buildings in a much more destructive way, beginning to fire their weapons at civilians.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked breathlessly, his surprise clear. He had never thought he would see such a thing as aliens, but here they were.

"Seeing. Still working on believing," Tony's voice crackled in their ear. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Steve asked, confused as to why Tony believed he might show up. Banner was MIA as far as they knew.

"Just keep me posted." He said before his comm clicked off.

The group ran behind some crashed taxis and crouched down to avoid taking fire while they were trying to figure out some sort of plan. They glanced up to see Loki flying overhead, destruction and terror being left in his wake.

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