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The ringing of her phone was what woke Camryn from her nap on her couch. The sound was shrill in her ear and it made her wince, but ultimately she knew she had to answer it. She never missed a call, and when she realized it was from her parents she knew she absolutely had to answer it. Usually she got told off if she didn't.

"Hello, mum." She greeted tiredly as she yawned, laying back down on her couch. "How are you doing?"

"How am I doing? Is that really the question you are going to ask me? Do not go acting as though nothing is wrong, missy. You have a lot of explaining to do, you hear me?" Her mother replied swiftly, clearly annoyed.

"What do you mean, mum? I didn't do anything." She frowned, unsure of why her mother was so upset with her.

"Nothing? Nothing! Then why is your face plastered all over the telly alongside the Avengers?" Julia snapped at her daughter. "And don't even try denying it's you. I can see clear as day it's you. 'Woman identified as an Agent of SHIELD, was reported assisting the Avengers against the alien invasion in New York City. Some are calling her Agent 007.'"

Camryn winced. This was not good. This was not good at all.

"Mum... just let me explain." She said softly, trying to calm the storm she knew was brewing within her mother.

"When did this happen? What even is this SHIELD? We sent you to boarding school for music! And you play in a symphony. So why the hell is it saying you are some agent?" Julia rattled off.

"Because I am. Mum, when I was thirteen you sent me to the SHIELD Academy of Operations. I learned how to be an agent there. But, we lied and pretended I was at a music school because we knew you wouldn't let me go otherwise." Camryn explained, her tone easy and calm.

"Who is 'we?'" Julia huffed.

"Me and Jemma. She went to the Academy of Science and Technology, remember? You know what SHIELD is." Camryn assured.

"We never agreed to let you risk your life for some silly agency! Jemma is a scientist. It's different." Julia snapped.

"Mum, I'm not going to die. Besides, I'm twenty-two. You can't stop me at this point." Camryn sighed. "Can we please do this later? I have a concussion." She groaned.

Really she didn't care about her concussion still, but it was an easy out from arguing with her mother. It was a lie that had hung over her head since she was thirteen years old and first began the difficult dance that was her cover story. Twice a year she would put on performances taught at an actual school for music to fool her parents. Meanwhile, she was also studying for her Academy exams, learning languages and the parts of a gun, as well as other skills deemed necessary. It had been a whirlwind that often left her exhausted, but it had shown her how important a good cover story was. Otherwise she would never have reached the point she was at today.

"We are not done, young lady." Julia said stubbornly. "We will continue this when you've gotten some rest, but not a moment later."

"Thanks, mum. Say hi to dad for me. And Sammy." Camryn said, glad that her mother's internal nurse had taken over.
She hung up the phone with a groan, annoyed that her lie had finally caught up to her and bitten her in the ass. But it was her own fault, really. When she had agreed to help the Avengers she knew the implications of what could happen, but she never truly expected for her face to end up on the news all the way in England.

The knock on her door forced her upright, and she was about ready to snap at the second interruption of her much needed nap. The invasion had only been two days ago after all, and she was still sore and exhausted.

"What?" She asked sharply as she opened the door, frowning when she noticed it was Steve, a sheepish smile on his face. "Oh, hey. What are you doing here?" She asked him, glancing up to meet his eyes. She was quite a few inches shorter than him, a fact that actually bothered her quite a bit.

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