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"I skipped breakfast," I said.

"Here," he gave me the rest of his cookie and went to his place.

"Techno!" I called.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm expanding the house. You wanna get materials?"

"Sure," he said and headed out to get stuff. I made a plan and then we started building. By the end of the day, we finished and Techno moved all his stuff into the house. We decided to have separate storage rooms and Techno was conflicted about the bed.

"What?" I asked, walking into the bedroom.

"Am I... Do I put my bed here or...?"

"Sure. Are you worrying I'm not okay with sharing a bed?"


"I'm fine. Techno, we're dating. It's fine."

"I just... we've only slept together once..."

"And? It's okay. Look, if you're comfortable with it, so am I." He placed his bed next to mine and we both laid down. Techno put his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. I looked up at him and he was staring at me with a dazed off look in his eyes. "What are you thinking about?" I whispered.

"You understand me. How?"

"What do you mean, Techno?"

"I'm the bad guy, Scar. I'm supposed to... kill people, hurt them... And you still sit here and still believe in me. I do all these bad things and you stuck with me. It's like you... know what I'm feeling internally."

"Techno, it's because I do. Not exactly, but I do. You were hunted down. Your friends were hurt. You did what you had to do to protect yourself. The ones you care about. Phil was on house arrest and you worried about him more than yourself. Quackity threatened to kill me and you could have let him. You didn't like me at that point. But you still gave yourself in to help me."

"It was because I expected a favor back from you," Techno lied.

"No, you didn't, Techno. Face it. Don't hide away from the fact you have a good heart," I sighed.

"That sounds disgusting," he said after silence and staring at the ceiling. I chucked and rested my head again.

"Night, Techno." I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat, feeling safe in his arms.

In the morning, Techno was gone when I woke. I headed down after getting ready and was still really tired.

"Morning," Techno seemed in a good mood.

"What are you doing?" I asked, seeing him in the kitchen.

"Oh, I'm doing great this morning. Thank you for asking." I sighed and sat at the counter.

"Good morning, dear Technoblade. How are you this fine morning?" I asked.

"I answered already," he stated and turned away. I gave an exasperated sigh and heard him chuckle. "I made you breakfast." He handed me food and I smiled. He waited for me to try it and I did. "So?"

"It's good."

"Just good?"

"It's great, Techno," I said and he kissed my forehead with a smile.

"Hello, bois!" Phil walked in.

"Hey, Phil," I said and he walked into the kitchen.

"Tell me you have some cooked steak."

"No," Techno said with an attitude.

"How do you live with him?" Phil asked me.

"He feeds me, I feed his ego. We work like that," I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah, sounds accurate."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Techno asked, offended.

"Nothing," I lied and Phil smiled. He took some food and shut the fridge.

"I'll see you both later. I'm off on a little trip," he said.

"Okay," Techno said and Phil left.

"I saw Ranboo's at his house," I told Techno.

"Yeah. I was gonna go say hi."

"I'll come with you."

"Sure." I finished breakfast and we walked to Ranboo's place. He was hurrying up and down his ladders trading with some villagers. We heard him yell from downstairs.

"No! You can't be out of emeralds!" Ranboo yelled.

"Hey, man. You-You wanna... come up?" Techno asked and Ranboo climbed.
"Sorry. I just... was trading with some villagers."

"We have some at our place. They have good trades if you wanna use them."

"I-I'll take that offer up, thanks," Ranboo climbed out of the hole and brushed off his suit, standing up. "Did you need anything?"

"How many emeralds do you have?" Techno asked.

"You said we came here to say hi," I sighed.

"Techno, let me help you see here. I have no emeralds for 1 reason. My villagers stopped trading!" Ranboo yelled.

"Alright, man. Alright. Just asking." Techno and I stayed for a bit and talked to Ranboo, then headed to our place. Ranboo traded with our villagers and made some bank. He went to his place and left Techno and me. "I have to go to town," Techno came to me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Just to get something quickly. I'll be careful. I promise," Techno said and I sighed.

"Okay," I said and gave him a kiss before letting him go. He headed out and came back late. He ran through the door with Dream and they were panting. "What happened?" I asked since Techno's hand was bleeding.

"They're prepared for war," Dream said. I started cleaning up Techno, and Dream and him started explaining. "After Techno betrayed them and took one of Tubbo's cannon lives, Tommy's upset. He's gathered everyone in town to be against Techno. I was playing on their side to get intel. We have a bunker of armour for everyone and OP weapons. There's no way we can beat them with just weapons. I have an idea and you two need to distract them, though," Dream said.

"Who?" Phil walked in.

"You three." He explained the plan to all of us. "I drop TNT from above and you three have to go in early and distract them."

"I have an underground bunker of wolves. They can attack the others as a distraction. It'll buy Phil and I time to set up withers. Scarra can be the archers. Head shots are best."

"Send me with some wither skulls and soul sand too. I can find places around L'Manberg and place them," I said.

Mr. Mysterious: TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now