Chapter 4: Hallway Confrontation

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"Whatever he's saying, he's lying!" Dre interrupted sharply, pointing an accusing finger at him again. Cheng mentally rolled his eyes at that; what if he had actually taken the blame? The stupid American wouldn't even realize he was denying the truth until it was too late. What an idiot

"Mr. Parker, go. Mr. Cheng, go," Mrs. Pong said sternly, pushing the two in opposite directions. Smirking triumphantly, Cheng sauntered back to us as Dre stormed out of the cafeteria, yelling, "I hate this place!"

"Nicely done," I remarked when the three returned to the table "Unfortunately, I think Meiying saw"

At that, Cheng tensed, and his eyes flickered to the door. Sure enough, Meiying stood in the doorway, her sad eyes turning angry when they made contact with his; with a huff, she turned and stormed out of the cafeteria

With a groan, Cheng turned back to his table, banging his head down onto the table. I reached over patted his shoulder sympathetically

~First Person P.O.V~

"No way"

"Yes, way"

"You're a liar"

"Please, Cheng, why would I lie when I can brag?"

"She's got a point there. Bragging is what Y/n does best"

"Aw, Liang, you flatter me"

Cheng crossed his arms stubbornly, leaning back in his seat "I still don't believe you improved your record of picking locks by a whole half minute"

Me, Cheng, Liang, and Zhuang were currently in English class, which was currently headed by a substitute for our sick teacher. Huddled in the back corner, me and Cheng had spent the past ten minutes of class making quiet conversation with Zhuang and Liang, who sat directly in front of us, occasionally turning around to add their own comments

"Then time me," I stated, smiling smugly "After school, at Zhuang's house or something—"

"Don't I get any say in this?" Zhuang sighed exasperatedly

I carried on as if he'd never interrupted "If I win, you take me to the Qi Xi Festival and buy me whatever food and treats I want"

"Fine," Cheng snapped without thinking the proposition though, as he usually did when he made bets "If I win, then you're buying me whatever food and treats I want at the Qi Xi Festival"

"You're on," I sneered, a large grin on my face as I shook Cheng's hand firmly. Just then, with perfect timing, the lunch bell rang, signaling for our grade to break for lunch. Immediately, the class emptied and a crowd of students flooded the courtyard for their hour-long lunch period

"Finally," Cheng sighed, shoving his things into his bag

"Why the rush?" I laughed, taking my time in gathering my stuff. Leaving my bag on my desk like the others, I grinned teasingly as we headed out the door "Excited to see Meiying?"

Liang chuckled while Zhuang and I cheekily made kissy faces at Cheng, who reddened and swatted at the two of us. We dodged nimbly, still laughing

"Shut up, you guys," Cheng grumbled, annoyed, but a comfortable smile claimed his face anyway

Entering the cafeteria, I skipped over to the line and took one look at the day's menu before I suddenly jumped back with a small squeak, a definite green tinge on my face "All of a sudden, I've lost my appetite"

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