Chapter 14: The Wudang Mountains

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It's okay" I was smiling contentedly "I'm glad I got to go on this date with you at least. It's okay if there's no second one, 'cause we'd still be best friends, right? I'll be happy with whatever decision makes you happy"

Touched that I was dedicated to him enough that I would put his happiness above my own, Cheng remained silent for a moment before he scoffed, smiling. Wiggling my grip loose, he readjusted his hand and laced his fingers together with my, smile widening when I looked down to stare at our interlocked hands "Don't be ridiculous. Of course, there'll be a second date. I still need my revenge for having to pay for you all the time, right?"

"Right," I said after a moment. Then I beamed and squeezed Cheng's hand "So, an action movie, right?"

"Naturally," Cheng responded as the conversation moved back onto safer waters

~First Person P.O.V~

We were still in the car when I stirred from my slumber, stretching with a loud yawn as I opened my sleepy eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead," my father said from the driver's seat.

"We're not there yet?" I mumbled groggily, slowly becoming more awake and alert.

"Almost. Just another few minutes. You might as well wake Zhuang up too."

"Okay," I said, glancing at the sleeping boy in the seat next to me. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him. "Hey, Zhuang. Wake up."

With a long yawn, Zhuang woke up, blinking his bleary eyes repeatedly. Sitting up straighter, he stretched his arms. "We're at the Wudang Mountains?"

"Almost," I responded, looking out the window. It was still morning with a few hours until noon—which was good because me and Zhuang wanted to get as much as we could out of our visit to the mountains. Outside, beautiful greenery rolled by—mountains and trees and shrubbery growing on the banks of rivers.

"Finally, it's our turn to train at the temple," Zhuang said. "Figures that we, the youngest, would be last, eh?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, I know, right? I mean, I get why Cheng and Liang got to go first, but it's totally just age bias how Feng, Xiang, and Qing got to go second."

"Be fair, you two. That's just how it is," my dad cut in amusedly. "You guys are lucky Cheng's parents have so many connections in the kung fu world."

"Yeah," Zhuang and I laughed.

As Cheng requested, Cheng's parents had organized for him and his friends to receive a little training from a few of the kung fu practitioners who frequented the Wudang Mountains' temple. To be more easily handled, the gang—seven members large—had split off into three groups, and it was finally mine and Zhuang turn.

"Hey! I can see the temple!" Zhuang suddenly cried excitedly.

"Yup, we're there," my dad replied, stopping the car at the edge of the road where a cement staircase melted into the road pavement. From there, the temple was a short walk down the stairs, through the square, and up the steep, towering mountain. "Have fun, kids! Zhuang, your dad will pick you guys up. Just give him a call when you two have had your fill."

"Okay!" Zhuang cheered, leaping out of the car.

I quickly pecked my father's cheek. "Thanks Dad!"

With that, we were off.

Zhuang nudged me, looking mischievous. "Okay, we've ditched your dad. Now tell me how the date went!"

"It went pretty well," I snickered as we wove around the different civilians mulling around the square. "First, we went to a restaurant. Somehow, he managed to convince me to go to a noodle shop, and I am proud to say that I can eat non-brown noodles now!" At Zhuang's shocked look, I chuckled. "Yeah, shocking, right? Anyways, afterwards, we went to his house and watched Assassin."

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