Chapter 13: The First Date

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An unbelievably wide grin overtook my face. Clasping my hands behind my back, I cheekily stated, "I want you to take me on a date"

Cheng stared at me as if I'd spoken my request in gibberish. Her request was just ridiculous, unfathomable, crazy—but if that were the case, why was his stomach twisting like that? NO—it didn't matter. They were best friends; how could he just throw away that friendship, built and strengthened over the years, so carelessly? Things would change, become awkward, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it if they ever screwed up their friendship

He opened his mouth to voice his disapproval, his protests, but he couldn't bring himself to say his thoughts

I was smiling at him so brightly, so hopefully, so damn happily. What kind of best friend would he be if he denied her the thing that made her smile that beautifully?

"A-alright," he ended up saying "I-I guess I'll text you tonight to talk about when and where"

"Awesome!" I cheered, my face lighting up even more magnificently than before. I hopped forward, wrapping Cheng in a tight hug and hopping back again before he even realized it "Sounds good! Don't worry; this time, we can split the bill"

With that, I gave him one of the flirty winks I perfected over the days and bounded off to join my friends, who were beside themselves with laughter. They all jumped up as I approached, evidently grilling me for details on what happened

With an exasperated sigh, Cheng shook his head amusedly and walked towards us as well

As he neared, Feng and Xiang looked up with proud and smug grins, Qing and Liang shot him teasing smirks, and Zhuang just looked excited and hyperactive. Knowing he was in for even more teasing than usual, Cheng mentally sighed again. Was it worth it? Was it too late to demand for Y/n to change her request?

But then I looked over at him, still smiling that happy grin that rivaled the sun's brilliance on her pretty face

And with that grin, Cheng's doubts and bitter second thoughts melted away. He rolled his eyes, throwing a casual grin back.

Ah, screw it Cheng thought. If it made Y/n smile like that, maybe he could withstand anything

~First Person P.O.V~

"Yo, you ready to go yet?" Cheng asked, walking into my room after my mom let him into the house

I was standing by my desk, counting out a few bills from my wallet. For our date, I had donned a fitted white graphic tee with an inky Chinese character artistically splashed across the front and a pair of distressed denim shorts, embellished with rhinestones on the pockets

I looked up when he walked in and smiled; folding the bills neatly, I stuck them into a little pocket on my childishly cute cell phone pouch, which I then slung across my chest "Hey, Cheng. Almost, I just need to go put up my hair and we can go"

Cheng yawned, collapsing back onto my bed "Yeah, yeah, hurry up"

"Wait here then," I chirped, running out of the room towards the bathroom down the hall

Meanwhile, Cheng looked around my room fondly. He loved my room; the gang had always unanimously agreed that my room had the best calming effect out of all of their rooms

The walls and ceiling were all midnight blue, so dark that they bordered on black. A dark mahogany desk sat in the corner with a sleek black laptop and various cute stationary tools scattered on the top; next to the desk was the canopy bed Cheng was laying on—it was large and firm with majestic navy blue drapes. The window shades were usually drawn since the room would always get unbearably hot when the sun shone in; the lights in the ceiling, disguised as stars, could be brightened or dimmed, but I usually kept them dim

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