Chapter 11: Fight for Peace

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I whirled to face him, and he was alarmed to find my face red with rage and my eyes glassy "I said forget it"

Cheng snapped his mouth closed, surprised by my unusual aggressiveness

We continued in silence until we reached my front door

"Thanks for the good time," I said flatly as I opened the door. Without giving him adequate time to respond, I closed the door in his face

He stood there, staring at the door in shock and confusion, before sighing and starting to walk away, mentally cursing himself for his stupidity

Meanwhile, inside my house, I leaned against the front door

'Why, Cheng?' I mused sadly 'Am I not pretty enough or something? Why do you keep chasing Meiying when I'm right here? Aren't I good enough?'

~First Person P.O.V~

"Where exactly are you taking me?"

Cheng rolled his eyes at the dry, toneless voice behind him. Tightening his grip on my thin wrist, he continued dragging me through the streets of Beijing "Shut up. Just wait and see" I muttered something incoherently under my breath, but Cheng was fairly certain it wasn't anything nice. Rolling his eyes again, he remarked, "Stop being so immature, Y/n. It's your fault that I have to literally drag you around just to get you to talk to me"

Ever since the Qi Xi Festival, I had been acting more ferociously than Cheng had ever seen me. I avoided him like the plague and became overly hostile whenever I was forced to speak with him. The gang had been appalled by my behavior at first, but after an explanation of the events that occurred during the festival, they shouted at Cheng for his actions and never spoke of the topic again

After a few solid days of my aggressive treatment, everyone was just about ready to yank their hair out. It was Liang who came up with the possible solution

Liang sighed as I brushed by thair lunch table again, this time without even glancing over "Cheng, you and Y/n need to resolve this problem. I'm tired of not being able to hang out with both of you together"

"Me too," Zhuang said

Cheng groaned in frustration "I wish we could! Y/n won't give me a chance to talk to her without biting my head off!"

"You know what you should do?" Liang asked "You guys should fight it out. Go to the dojo and just spar away all the frustration and anger"

"That," Cheng said slowly, "is actually a pretty good idea"

Zhuang grinned "Do it today! I want to be able to sit with you and Y/n tomorrow"

Cheng nodded "Okay, okay"

Finally, Cheng saw the Fighting Dragon dojo's gates rise to greet him, and a smile split his face at the sight of the vast green lawn. Unable to help himself, he pulled me closer and nudged me with his arm, nodding towards the massive space "Remember when we trained there with the beginner classes?"

"How could I not?" I snorted

"Good times," Cheng mused nostalgically. Turning to me, he tugged my backpack off, ignoring my annoyed protests, before grabbing my wrist again "Come on"

He led me to one of the private dojos, pushing the door open with his free hand. Once inside, he released my wrist, moving to the wall and dropping our backpacks onto the floor unceremoniously. Meanwhile, I leaned against the closed door, crossing my arms nonchalantly

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