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"So," Cheng said, grinning at me. It felt nice being able to hold his hand again. "We both lost the tournament. I think we could both use some cheering up. Shall we go out for dinner?"

I grinned back. "I think the entire gang deserves some cheering up. We put Feng through this torture before; think it's our turn to have the gang tag along on our date?"

"We better catch up with them before they leave then," Cheng chuckled.

Hands locked together tightly, we laughed and started weaving through the crowd toward our friends.

The gang reacted as we thought they would—happy and enthusiastic and glad that everything had returned to normal at last. After exchanging our things for a few hundred yuan from our parents, we threw our arms around each other as we walked down the sidewalk in search of a restaurant.

As we walked and chatted and laughed, Cheng smiled.

He had finally figured out the roles of the gang.

Feng and Xiang were the older brothers, always keeping a watchful eye out for the others. Qing was the middle child, eager to tease his brothers and sister to no end. Zhuang was the hyper little brother they all looked out for. Y/n and Liang were the twins, practically able to read each other's minds.

Cheng had been the only one without a role—until that moment, when he realized that he was Y/n's complement. While he tended to cage his feelings in, she allowed hers to soar free. While he was easily angered, easily downhearted, she looked for the bright side of things, smiling through the tough times if not for herself then for those around her. While he relied on straightforward intimidation and brute strength, she excelled in her quick tongue and ability to dance circles around others.

One could say they differed like night and day, like salt and pepper, like black and white—but the truth of the matter was that they belonged together like a needle and thread, like pen and paper, like thunder and lightning. Together, they made a whole.

After all, it was said that love was just one soul in two bodies.

~First Person P.O.V~

It hardly ceased to astound Dre how quickly things could change.

Qing. Liang. Zhuang. Feng. Xiang. Y/n. Cheng.

A mere month ago, those seven names made his blood run cold, struck raw fear in his mind, sent a string of curses running through his head. Never in his wildest imagination would he have expected that the people he used to fear and hate would become some of his closest friends.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Meiying asked as she and Dre stepped out into the courtyard.

Dre shook his head apologetically. "Sorry, but Mr. Han will be training me and the gang tonight. The new master at the Fighting Dragon's letting Mr. Han teach us in her dojo once every week."

Rather than looking disappointed, Meiying smiled. "I'm so glad you guys are all getting along."

"Me too," Dre laughed. "Your friend, Chunhua, was right; they actually aren't that bad. I like them."

"I still don't quite approve of them," Meiying said, pursing her lips disapprovingly. "But whatever. Have fun then. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya," Dre said, waving as Meiying ran off towards her father's car.

Once she was gone, he turned towards the tree the gang usually collected under. Walking towards it, he caught sight of Zhuang and Liang already sprawled out beneath it.

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