Chapter 12: Queen of Bets

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Planting my fists on my hips, I leaned closer, my grin morphing into a predatory smirk "Okay, Mr. I-was-so-clearly-jealous-yet-I-foolishly-deny-it-w ith-all-my-might, if you weren't jealous, then prove it"

At the competitive edge in my voice, Cheng bristled."How"

"Make a bet with me," I said sweetly "Are you sure you aren't jealous?"

"Please," Cheng scoffed, his competitive streak rising "I would never be jealous of any guy interested in you"

I grinned slyly, my face becoming almost more vulpine as my eyes flashed mischievously "If you say so. When I win, you'll do whatever I want, right?"

"You mean 'if'," Cheng growled "When I win, you can do whatever I want"

"Deal," I purred, holding out a hand

As we shook, finalizing the bet, the other boys behind us exchanged glances. Liang in particular eyed me, shaking his head in amusement

~First Person P.O.V~

Liang sighed in relief as he walked out of his last class for the day. As he headed for the courtyard to meet up with us, he fished out his water bottle from his backpack, prepared to open it for a refreshing sip. Before he could even touch the cap, however, his sharp eyes caught a familiar face walking towards him

"Hey Y/n," he greeted when I got within earshot

"Hey Liang," I replied wearily. My brows were furrowed and I stared at the ground intensely as I walked, seemingly deep in thought

"You look like you're thinking hard," Liang remarked, opening his water bottle. He lifted it up to his lips, allowing the cool water to fill his mouth

"Liang, what attracts you in a girl?"

At the wholly unexpected question, Liang spat out the water, coughing as he did so. Luckily, we already made it out into the courtyard by then so the water splashed harmlessly onto the grass

"Sorry," Liang coughed "What did you say?"

"I need to know how to be flirty," I said, still frowning thoughtfully

Liang stared at me "Why?"

"For the bet of course!" I explained exasperatedly "I need to figure out how to flirt with guys so I can win the bet"

The gang, minus Cheng, looked up when me and Liang approached

"Hey guys," Feng said casually

Liang returned the greeting while I just nodded, glancing around "Where's Cheng?"

"Not here yet," Qing replied, mindlessly picking at the grass he was sitting on

"Perfect!" I exclaimed, sitting down with my friends "You guys can help me then!"

"Help you with what?" Xiang asked suspiciously

I beamed "Teach me how to flirt"

Silence descended upon the boys

"Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too," Liang said, shrugging when his friends' dumbstruck faces turned to him for an explanation

"Why do you need to learn how to flirt?" Zhuang asked me bewildered

"That's what I said too," Liang quipped

I nudged him, rolling my eyes "I need to beat Cheng in the bet"

The three upperclassmen, Xiang, Feng, and Qing, exchanged suspicious glances. After a brief conversation through their eyes, Xiang leaned forward "Do you like Cheng?"

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