Chapter 5: Feng and Biyu

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"Just stay away from us," he snarled. I nudged his shoulder, nodding my head towards the auditorium door when he glanced at me. Understanding my message and glad I caught the loophole in his order, Cheng looked back at Dre "All of us"

Feeling satisfied and smug, Cheng gestured to us and walked off without casting a single look back. As we passed him, Zhuang kicked Dre's backpack further down the hall while Liang kicked at a textbook that had fallen out

I tugged on one of Dre's braids as I left "Don't mess with us, Parker"

Then, confidently, the four of us strode away

~First Person P.O.V~

The class was just beginning to wrap up when Cheng noticed it—and when he did, he wanted to smack himself in the face out of disbelief at my carelessness. Given that he was in the middle of kung fu class, however, he settled for mentally sighing in exasperation and glaring across the room every so often, trying to draw my attention with his eyes

Deeply engaged in a whispered conversation with Biyu, the only other girl in the class, I was completely oblivious to all the troubles he was going through to try to save me

The Fighting Dragon didn't discriminate against the female population; there were plenty of female students fighting alongside the male ones. The advanced classes, however, were admittedly biased toward boys; out of the two advanced classes offered at the Fighting Dragon, there were only about five girls me being one of them

Cheng nearly face-palmed himself again when I scoffed a little too loudly at something Biyu whispered, and at my scoff, Master Li's sharp eyes flickered toward me

"Y/n, come here"

The order, though softly spoken, cut through the air with the ease of a steak knife through butter. Immediately, a hush fell over the class, and the two teenagers currently sparring in the center of the ring ceased action. Slowly, with a slightly guilty look on my face, I stood up and slunk over to stand before their master, looking down at the floor like a child who had been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to do

"Do I tolerate inattentiveness in my class?" Master Li asked, eyes cold

I shook my head, looking severely odd without my usual grin "No, sir"

Silently, Master Li stood up; immediately, I imperceptibly flinched, expecting a strike to my face for my lack of focus. Master Li stared at me for a second before nodding his head toward the two students still standing in the center where they had been sparring moments before "Go join them. Two to one. Until class ends"

Pleasant surprise that I had escaped corporal punishment flickered across my face before I realized that I was just told to fight two of my classmates at once. A spar against one student was already enough of a challenge. A look of indifference masking my face again, and I quickly dipped my head in a bow "Yes, sir"

With that, I turned toward the two boys who had been sparring and, with a determined expression, slammed my fists in a sign of respect. In unison, the three of us bowed to each other before assuming our stances

To be fair, I deserved a considerable amount of credit, lasting against the two older students so well on my own. Though the two senior boys were stronger, I proved to be faster. Besides knocking one down, I also managed to land a solid kick in the other's gut. Ultimately, however, the two seniors overwhelmed me

Two minutes into the fight, a powerful kick to the face sent me spiraling to the ground. Before I could get back up, the other boy quickly dropped an ax-kick into my gut. Everyone winced at the strangled noise that I choked out, but they all knew it was unavoidable; Master Li's usual foul mood would have grown fouler had the spar ended any less mercilessly

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