Chapter 15

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Lucas POV-

I'm currently sitting in bed, unable to sleep because all I'm currently thing of right now is when Maddie kissed me. I must be living in a fairytale. Or some sort of dream.

I flip over onto my other side in my bed.
And time passes by... And I guess I fell asleep.

"Psssss. Lucas." I hear a voice from the dark. "Lucas!" It's kinda freaking me about a bit because it's like a harsh whisper. "Lucas, are you awake?

"Huh?" I flutter my eyes open and Maddie, Mackenzie and Gino were starting at me. Totally not the way I would like to wake up. Eyes starring at me, well I wouldn't mind Maddies eyes starting at me but that's not the point!

"It's about time you woke up! We've been trying to wake you up for the past minute or so." Mackenzie says in annoyance.

"What? It's just been 60 seconds! Not a big deal! Ugh!" I swung my legs out from the covers and onto the hard wooden floor.
The bright sunlight into my eyes, which is actually hurting my eyes. ow.

"Anyway, why'd you wake me up? What are we doing today?" I question while everybody went back doing whatever they were doing.

"Well, tonight we're going to a bonfire and then today we don't exactly have a plan today. So why not wing it." Gino says while ending it with a wink towards Maddie and Mackenzies direction.

Melissa walks into the cabin.
"Hey kiddies!" She announces walking in.

"Mom!" Maddie says in annoyance "don't call us that anymore. We're not 'kids' anymore."

"Sorry..." Melissa says. "Anyway, today the adults are going to do some adult stuff, so stay on campus and stay out of trouble!" Melissa walks out. "See YA!"

"Well... Now it's just us." Mackenzie announces and looks at Gino.

"Soooo Maddie?" "Soooo Lucas" Mackenzie and Gino both say at the same time.

"Let's go do something just the two of us. It's like we haven't been having some one-on-one time together." Mackenzie says while putting on lipstick and popping her lips.

"Uh suree... I guess I'll go." And by now, Gino and Maddie are already out the door, so what's my chance of stopping her?

Mackenzie POV-

Flirt KENZIE, flirt!

Our plan is working, well step one is definitely working!

Step one- get them to spend a day with us. CHECK!

This day won't be so boring after all.


I love getting messages from you guys asking for an update, and I also love getting some suggestions from you guys! It does really help a lot!

What do you think? Do you think Mackenzies and Gino's plan will work?

Comment what you think will happen!

Also, please go read my new story which is now going to be released! It's called Gothic and it's another Dancemoms Fanfic! And I hope you'll enjoy it! So please give it a try!

Thanks so much!

Read-read-read!! :)

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