Chapter 7

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Gino POV-

I thought to myself, 'there you go Gino, let the girl you love kiss someone else. Because that's totally how it works.

"Guys, we should head to bed. so we won't be extremely tired tomorrow."

Everyone agreed.

We then all crawled into our beds.

I fell straight to sleep.

Lucas POV-

I lied in bed trying to sleep,but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I wonder how Maddie felt.

I thought to myself, "did she like it?"

"Well duh Lucas, she kissed you."

I stopped thinking and eventually I fell asleep at last.

[A/N sorry for the very short chapter. Would you guys mind, checking out my other story? I would love to create more stories, but I would only do so if you guys would read it. I've gotten many positive thoughts on this story. Now, I have a major Writers block. I don't know what to do with this story. but I hoped you enjoys my story so far. There's definitely more to come.

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