Chapter 1

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Maddie's POV:

"Maddie!" My mom, Melissa yells from downstairs. "You have 20 more minutes!"

I kick the covers off my body placing my phone on my lamp-stand and jump out of bed with a response to my mom of "Okie Dokey!"

I quickly change into a cute crop top saying "But first... Let me take a selfie!" And quickly throw on a pair of jean shorts with a little lace at the bottom. The shorts are a bit short, but it doesn't matter because everyone we know goes there, and we aren't pervs, well that I know of.

I quickly put my hair in a braid that lies on my shoulder then my put a black hair-tie on my silky brown hair.

I run downstairs being careful I don't trip, my sister, Mackenzie who is younger then me, stops me saying she couldn't find her phone. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her so I said "Find it yourself!" Then I walked away.

My sister looks all sad but I ignore her anyway I have to eat breakfast and finish getting ready!

I devour a strawberry pop-tart, which was amazing, guessing I was very hungry because I ate two more!

My mom was putting our luggages in the trunk of our car which Mackenzie was walking Maliboo, our dog Miss Abby gave her for Christmas.

I ran upstairs to brush my teeth and before I knew it we were on the road to start our camping adventure.

~5 hours later~

I say out loud "Finally we are here!"

Mackenzie says to Maliboo, who doesn't understand her but she still talks to Maliboo, "Yay! We are here Maliboo!"

I got out of the car and saw Lucas and Gino talking to each other starring at me and pointing at me every once in a while. What are they talking about?

Are they talking about me?


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