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3rd person pov:

From that day onward, Ashley had a lot more work to do, forcing herself to be useful despite her own fears as more half dead wolves or corpses showed up around the boarders of their home, those alive still speaking of rogues attacking them.

The fear was palpable, each new still living people found ended up joining their pack from fear of what might happen, and not only wolves showed up, many from other races and not even hurt came to join, everyone hearing about the danger.

Ashley lost many nights of sleep, her own fear rampant as she knew of the fate they might suffer if these lethal threats turned into action, she had even scared her family declaring that if she was caught they shouldn't expect her to come back alive as she'd kill herself again if that were to happen, not willing to be back in rogues' clutches one more moment.

Worry wasn't eased as she could see her sister's worry mounting too, despite their pack and clan being big she saw Asher eaten away by worry.

She lost trust for everyone but those she was closed too after the spies were unmasked, terrified but unwilling to back down, going through with killing them when she was the one tasked with it.

She was still a coward on the inside, but she would never dare to disappoint her sister so she kept it inside.

The training was harsher, longer and more tiring but it was to get everyone in better shape and stronger in case an attack would come. Ashley would see Asher out late at night, training herself to the bone which was the only reason she'd really push herself to do anything.

A secret bunker was built under the house to hide the children and elderly if an attack would happen.

Ashley hadn't expected even more people from showing up and was even more surprised when it was people part of the Calamity and Clover packs along with the queen, even the royal pack was there and to her biggest surprise and fear they all allied. Her fear was through the roof since strength came in number and that meant the rogues were probably growing in numbers too and now they needed it to stop the quickly growing number of rogues, Asher didn't even hesitate to agree to the temporary alliance while Ashley was more worried.

Ashley's pov:

My nerves were eating away at me, but I was forced to bottle it once again.

I was asked to be present for an important event outside but I just couldn't be there... I couldn't.

I looked at my hands as I sat on my bed, trembling... So unsteady...

I yelped when the lifeless eyes of those spies flashed through my mind and I covered my eyes, bending in half, how can I do this?

I feel so weak, I lost the fight to my own mind not long ago, why didn't I just gi-- "No!"

I threw myself back, laying on my back, shaking my head with tears in my eyes.

"No." I whispered this time, reaching towards the ceiling. "I will NOT give up on this life, I won't... I... Can't..."

I stared at the back of my hand and sighed as I dropped it and draped my arm over my face.

I can't.

I can't let the demons inside win.

"They need to pay." I whispered. "For what they did to my family, my friends, to all those people that suffered and still suffer right now.... For what they did to me."

I grabbed a fist full of my blanket and pulled my arm away from covering my eyes.

I won't be a coward for them. I will have my vengeance even if inside I'll be trembling with fear, I will not let terror stall my claws, I will not let fear paralyze my fangs.

"I won't let it... Not this time." I promised myself.

What finally broke me out of my fearful and yet ready attitude was the surprise that came my way weeks after that day when I got when I was told we were going to a place called an amusement park.

War is coming and we are having fun... But it is a welcome change.

Carla's pov:

"Look at this! Oh oh oh! Look! Look at that! What's this? What's that?" I chuckled at Ashley's never ending questions and remarks about the amusement park we were in with Roxy and Nat, they were holding back their laughter as Ashley ran around like a little kid in a candy shop.

"It was the best idea you ever had." I laughed and patted Nat's shoulder.

"Hey! I always have good ideas!" He said, and Roxy and I shrugged before looking at each other and laughing again.

"Girls it's not fun!"

"But it is you dork." Roxy said and I nodded.

"Carla! I'm hungry!" Ashley clung to me over dramatically.

"Alright." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

It was Asher's number which made me raise my eyebrows, we were still not really back to the friendly relationship we had before so she wouldn't normally call me.

"Go with Nat and Roxy I need to answer this" I stopped walking.

"Put it on speaker." Ashley said and I did as such.

"Yo Asher you are on speaker." I said, sighing, really not knowing why she would call.

"I don't care I just don't know how to feel." She sounded lost and frustrated.

"Is everything alright?" Nat asked.

"No... Nothing is alright and I think I may have put Sky in a situation I didn't want her to have to face yet." She sighed.

"What's up?" Ashley said.

"Well Ash, you know when I shift.... Xander is male, so I have a male wolf body but a female human one?"

"Yeah I know Ash so what's up?" It still weirded me out that they had the same nickname for each other but I should get used to it soon.... Soon...

"Well..." She sighed again and we heard grumbling.

"Ash?" Ashley said.

"Well... If Sky chooses to go through with it... You guys may become aunts and uncles."
 Silence fell over all of us, trying to assimilate what we just heard... It slowly sank in...


























"WHAT?!" All of us yelled, looking at each other.

"Yeah you know my problem now."

"Well, shit," Nat muttered.

"I agree." Asher said.

"We need to talk; we could help," Ashley said.

"Agreed." Asher muttered before the line went dead and we simply stared at each other.

"Let's go home." Nat said voicing our thoughts, we all nodded.

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