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I was laying on my side, listing to music blast in my ears.

I was playing on my phone, some weird clash of cards thingy game I had trouble understanding but it was distracting enough to have me calm down.

I am like a charged battery at 110% unfortunately, lady therapist wouldn't be happy but with the danger there is I've been staying at home and not going to the meetings, they need me here.

I sighed through my nose.

"What makes you sigh so much? It has been like a few minute and it is the third time." Carla asked, shifting the earphones off my ears, seating near my head as my feet was up by the pillows.

I just shrugged.

"Ashley you be lying." She said, closing her book.

"Look I am just worried, I am not my sister and yet people come to me expecting me to be able to pull the same weight and be like her, they ask me things that she never even told me about, sticking this fake confidence on my face to please them and do what I can but I am scared.... Terrified.... I know what they can do to you.... I wouldn't survive being caught again..."

"Hey that won't happen." She whispered, patting my head.

I took my glasses off and knocked the earphones off my head at the same time, playing with the glasses to occupy my hands.

"You can't promise it won't Carla, I grew up in a rogue hell hole, I'll choose death over going back there." I felt her hand stall in its movement.

"Please don't say that." Life is really unfair, having her fearing more for my death then I do because of my attempt... I am quite pathetic.

"It needs to be said Carla, I will not go back there." I looked up, for once, in a long time, confident in my words. "I will not."

"We are strong, we won't lose."

"I'd love to believe in your words but I can't."

"Ashl--" Knock knock knock.

I sat up, slipping my glasses on as Carla unlocked my room door.

There was some hasty whispering as I approached.

Carla looked back and I instantly knew what was up from the worry in her eyes.

It is time.

When we arrived outside everyone was already pressed up in a crowd, it was a tight squeeze to get near my sister and yet I still didn't manage to get that close to her, barely hearing her over the muttering.

"I got news of the rogues on the edge of our land." Silence fell and my blood froze despite how I promised myself to be brave.

I felt Carla grab and squeeze my hand, I squeezed back, taking a deep breath, forcefully chasing out most of the fear, tricking my mind into being calm and relaxed, tricking it to not feel anything... Like how I learnt to so that I would survive.

"They want to meet us but I got wind some are shifted." They probably want to tell us to fuck off and then kill us if some are already in wolf form. "This is the day we may all have been training for! Everyone from humans to vampires to hunters, today is the day we are going to take out this menace! Today is the day we are going to bring peace and safety for our children and families! We will go out there and fight for the future! we will win!"

They all cheered while I felt nothing, having chased away my emotions to avoid a complete collapse of my mental capacities as they are needed currently.

I didn't talk a lot, only answering the questions Asher would ask of me as she had yet again pulled me into the inner circle of her army, wanting me to plan with her.

It took half an hour if not to come up with a basic plan of who being at the front lines or not but with that decided we headed to the meeting.

I could see Asher was nervous too but what can I do? I barely have the ability to remain this cold.

She worried for a lot of things and all of us too, I ended up losing Carla in the crowd and being pushed up next to Sky and Asher, they are the alpha and luna pair, I am not even a beta but still...

I saw surprise on her face as she locked up with a man, looking at him it was easy to tell he was the alpha.

I tensed up, what looked too be his beta was a man I knew all too well... He made my life a living hell... 

"Alphonse..." She growled "I beat you once already! Leave now!" She yelled as he laughed at her, seems like both of us have some beef with a main dude.... But she is not scared like I am, no Ashley keep in mind, cold a ice, you can't let yourself feel, not now.... Later maybe but not now...

"That's where you are wrong...... I came to take back my pack and take over everything you have! I will be the most powerful alpha there is!"

"You're a sick man!"

"I will ask you once! step down and give everything to me!"

"Never! we will fight until all of us are dead! we will win!"

And with those words I knew there was no chance of changing the fate of this day.

War was about to start in three.



This Alphonse guy was the first to shift and I saw my sister's follow.

I gulped, concentration wavering as the front line quickly overtook me, knocked down by my own pack.

"Up!" A vampire I never met before pulled me up to my feet before a wolf's huge paw could stomp a hole threw my back.

I gave him a nod and chased my emotions away, bouncing forth on my feet, soon a wolf running in my place.

I was smaller then the rest but for once it was useful, slipping through the people.

I stopped when a bigger wolf blocked the way.

I growled lowly, close to the ground as it towered over me but didn't slow my forwards sprint and jumped.

My fangs digging up high in its neck, right below its jaw and claws digging into its front, you didn't expect this did you?!

I am smaller but I have a bite now that I have a reason to fight, I have my freedom, my family, my mate, I will fight until my death!!

I did my share of the fight but the number of enemy never seemed to decrease, always another to take the previous place.

I was bit in the side painfully when I heard a familiar scream.

I yelped in pain but was worried for Carla, that was her voice.

I tried to zigzag through the people but I was grabbed by the scruff and thrown through the air, landing painfully.

"Oh no you are mine, I will teach you mutt that running away is a bad idea."

I growled loudly at the man I hated the most in life, he killed the Blackblood, he killed all of them, tortured us, killed my first love.... I hate him.

And now.

He is in the way of me getting to Carla.

He will perish.

.Life Of A Trapped Wolf.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora