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"0." I whispered, dread setting in as I climbed the stairs and pushed up the trapdoor as much as it went and reached for the padlock, feeling around with my fingers carefully to try to feel what number the locks were turned too as I couldn't see it.

"5 2 7." I muttered and it clicked open, I crawled out before locking it again and tiptoeing out of the house before jogging as silently as I could to the great oak in the village center, crouching under its root to hide away, patrols passing by.

'Ssssh it is only me.' I heard as a hand wrapped around my mouth to keep me from yelling.

'You could have told me through the link before scaring the life out of me.' I shot back through the mental link with a glare.

'Doesn't matter now.... Maria?'

'No idea where she is.'

'We need to go now while patrol is not around.'


'I'm truly sorry.'

'Doesn't matter let's just go.'

She grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her.

I felt like I was in the video games I saw the rogue packs kids play, sneaking passed enemy, hiding behind stuff and creating distractions by throwing small objects so we could shuffle on by.

Outside of the village we picked up speed started running towards that river with the water fall.

"Ashley." I turned around when we got to the cliff with a smile which was quickly wiped off my face.

It was Maria but with a blade pressed to her throat by another man and soon others surrounded us.

"Maria." I whispered in disbelief as tears rolled down her face, I remained shocked motionless while Ashy was growling.

"You bitch!!" Ashy yelled as she tried to punch the men before being grabbed and I got forced to the ground by two, arms crossed in my back.

"I-I'm sorry." She shakily whispered.

"Your little bitch just couldn't keep her mouth and someone snitched.... You guys are really that stupid?" The man with the knife asked before whipping his hand away.

I screamed as the person I loved was nothing more then a dead body on the ground now.

"How many time will you two try to escape?" He said in disappointment as I cried, biting my lip. "Always the two of you."

"You monster!" Ashy yelled making him look at her with a sinister look.

"Always two." He said again and my eyes went wide as I started trashing to no avail.

"NOOO!!! Leave her alone!!! Don't touch her!!!" I bellowed as for once Ashy looked scared.

'I love you.' She quickly whispered to me.


I let out an almost inhuman screech as he grabbed her hair tightly in his fist and dove the knife in her stomach over and over until his arm away red and she too was no more.

I stared with wide shaky eyes as the bodies of the two people I loved the most laid in front of me.

"Always two but now one, how will you try to escape again bitch huh?" He said while grabbing my chin and tilting my head up before taking off my glasses and slipping them in my pocket and a few seconds later his fist met with my face.

I took the beating without a word. I was just numb.

I took the following days rape without a word, I was just numb.

I took the following weeks mockery without a word. I was just numb.

I was just numbed.

Nothing mattered anymore.

But lucky or unlucky me the numbness faded and was replaced with pain, hurt and anger.

I was seething, wanting that man's blood on my hands.

'Ashley.' My almost mute-like wolf Crystal said, she was surprisingly not as strong as me, having broken long ago but never left me, I always felt her presences she was just... silent.

'I know... But what else do I have to lose?' I told her, I felt her hesitate but get on board with my plan as I glared at the antic globe that man loved oh so much that I was holding it in my hands and let it go, watching it shatter on the ground and closed my eyes, waiting for him to appear and drag me away.

I offered him my wrists to tie together with tape and sat on the bed I landed on after the elbow to the face and he leaned over me.

I glared at him and smashed my forehead against his, taking him off guard and bring his hand to his face.

Springing up I knocked him on his ass and got behind him, arms around his neck and pulling as hard as I could to get the tape to crush his windpipe.

I cried out softly as the punch to the ribs I got while he through back, falling on me with all his weight but I held on, fueled by nothing more then the suffering they caused me throughout the years of my life.

I held on for a good while after he had passed out to be sure he perished and got up, finding a knife to cut the tape and sprinted out of the house.


I hadn't made two meters before I heard people behind me, I pushed my tired body to run faster and faster.

Soon a familiar bloody spot came into view and before they could grab me I threw myself off the cliff, saying a small pray that I would hit the river at the foot of the water fall.

The shock of the water felt like solid ground and I swam up but the last thing I saw was a tree branch fall from high up and hit my head, knocking me out clean.

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