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"Grab this shit come on!!" I whisper yelled at the younger that had knocked over a plant but it fell on the carpet.

They quickly gathered the plant and up on the table while I scooped the dirt in my hands and stuffed it back in the pot until I heard the door open and was left with a fist full of dirt and dirty hands.

I quickly left the room but knew I'd be called, it is clearly visible the plant was knocked over and I was dirty.

I shook while hearing them yell for me as I looked down at the dirt, no place to hide it other then...

I coughed softly at the idea and closed my eyes in disgust before stuffing it in my mouth and swallowing it before licking my hands clean and leaving my hiding place.

When I was cleared that it wasn't my fault I instantly marched out of the house and to the trash can, shoving my fingers down my throat and throwing up.

I shivered.

"Never again." I promised myself while going to the lake to wash out my mouth, this was nothing compared to what some would do to avoid punishment but to hell with me if I end up shoveling more dirt in my mouth because of some kids.

I rubbed my cheeks before going back to work, walking passed a boy getting kicked into tomorrow, as I said everyone was for themselves... unless you are at risk of group punishment like with the plant, I escaped it but those younger ones didn't.

I ended up finally telling Maria about our escape plan, and she wasn't pleased as it wasn't the first we had tried to escape and didn't succeed.

"Don't you remember how it ended up last time?" She asked as we went to wash the clothes together so we could talk.

"Which last time? There are many different things that happened as consequences. Each time we said it was the last time."

"Ashley please."

"Maria this is the last try I'd be able to sit through, I just can't take it, if we fail it is over... That's why with your help we have more chance and we could be together and free."

"I don't know if we should even risk it Ashley."

".... If that is what you want than don't come but as I told you you know where to find us on the full moon of this month." I said a bit hurt as I stood up and walked away.

Being together and free isn't worth one last risk? Is it not? Am I not?

I sighed hanging up the clothes I washed and got my leg out of the cast that has been on it for a week.


Days and nights became the same for me, all the same monotone cycle of bright and darkness, work and sleep, suffering and unconsciousness, I was counting the days, looking at the moon, rounder and rounder each day, only that mattered, if we didn't escape now I don't think I could try again, who knows the punishment we will suffer through.






"Almost there." I whispered, staring at the moon from the muddy ground I am laying in.


"And next time do it right!"

I sat on the ground holding my bloody face in silence.


"Be ready."

"I have been for days now."


"Less than a week left." I whispered, glaring at the moon as it couldn't change faster.


"Remembered, 5 2 7."

"5 2 7 got it."

"Let's hope we don't forget at the same time."



"Be calm Ashley."

"It is hard Ashy."

"I know but they can't suspect anything."

"I'll try dammit."


"Almost there come on." I whispered into the silence of the morning, the moon glowing in the blue sky as if a traffic light waiting to turn green.


I had the hardest time to remain my usual self, it was almost time.


I opened my eyes deep into the night.

I blinked, getting to my feet quietly, Ashy wasn't stuffed in this basement today so I sneaked over the sleeping bodies alone, careful to not wake anyone of make noise as I went to the stairs and started up at the trap door and gulped, nervous.

"0." I whispered into the silence.

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