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Ashley's pov:

"Maybe this will teach you to not be such a worthless piece of shit and break what isn't yours!" I tried to plead for him to stop, but I couldn't get a word passed the role up pair of socks he stuffed into my mouth to shut me up before tapping my mouth shut, army pulled behind my back and tied together with layers of tape while my face what pressed into the wall into a dent that was there after he hit it against it a few times and was now held there with his torso pressing mine against the wall too... My pants and underwear resting at my ankles while he was pounding his dick onto me.

I was crying and shaking, stuck like this for who knows how long now, hating how my body wasn't listening to my silent please to not feel anything at all instead of getting turned on without my consent... It never ever got easier when these people did this, never, even if you grew up with this you never stopped feeling like the scum they said you were when it happened.

"You like this don't you? That's why you fuck up so often right?" He asked with a smirk in his voice.

I tried shaking my head and pulled away from him but I was stuck, his hand up my shirt with the other pulling my head by my head back to face the ceiling as he dug his fangs into my throat deeply, so deeply I wished he had just moved his head and snapped the fragile cartilage of my throat but he didn't and just added to his many fresh bite and claw marks on my body, sobs escaping me as I felt him spread his disgusting seeds inside me but didn't pull out, making me want to die even more as he was waiting for my own release which was threatening to happen of course I tried to fight it like always but I always knew it I would be the one to lose this fight.

And so despite me muffled begs to stop, my eyes rolled back while involuntarily arching my back as I couldn't fight it any longer and ended up cumming, leaning against the wall as my legs shook.

"Told you, you slut," He said, backing away from and I fell to my knees and groaned through the sobs as he was still holding my head and made me bend back to look at his piggish face. "I'll wait for the next time you mess up, you Blackblood bitches always had such an alluring body figure, a real shame you are scum on the sole of my shoes."

He let me go, and I fell on my back, covered in my own blood and tears plus the mess between my legs.

I had gotten a good kick in the guts before he left me to do his bidding.

I didn't move for a while before bending my legs back, so I could grab the rim of my jeans and shimmy them on and hold them since I wasn't untied.

I wanted to die even more then before as I felt the mess in my pants when I got to my feet, stumbling a little since my legs didn't want to cooperate.

And it didn't help to see the clock wrote 10:29 instead of 7:49.

I felt a shove on the back of my knees causing them to bend and fell down the stairs as I heard kids giggles... These little monsters were taught doing this was fine.

I struggled to get back my feet, avoiding eye contact with another slave before bursting through the door and just running over to the nearby lake, Ashy was tasked with the laundry that needed to be done by hand so I hoped she was still there.

For the first time today lucky was in my favour when after a furrow look around the lake shore I spotted her and she too soon did as I half fell in her arms while she was admiring the scenery.

"Ashley!" She said, trying to grab me but we went down together as my brain finally shut down, feeling safe with her, hearing a last scream before I completely blacked out.

I bolted straight up when I came to be, filled with dread as my eyes snapped around before I threw up in the pot next to me.

I screamed when someone touched me and slapped them.

"Hey hey! It's me! Ashley look at me, it's all fine ssh.... No one can hurt you here."

"Ashy." I whispered, realizing she most likely dragged me back to our basement a while back and I guess stole the keys to get us inside.

"Here, I got these for you.... Better then the last ones." She said while not using words to tell me why she got me new clothes since I would know.


"Yeah I cleaned you off first of course." I nodded and pulled on the black shorts which were a size to small this time but pulled them up as much as I could with the blue pullover.

"W-why." I whispered shakily, others got beaten but we two got raped most of the time for anything, there was not even reasons for it at times. well I knew why that man told me himself like many many others, women and men alike, it is because how Blackblood's look.

"Ssh.... We will get away.... I promise.... We will be free from this hell." She said, hugging my head while rocking gently back and forth to try to sooth me while I was sobbing my eyes out.

.Life Of A Trapped Wolf.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara