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Carla had left to go outside for a while, I raised my eyebrow when I heard yelling.

I walked to the front door slowly and opened it, too scared to open because of the yelling it but worried why they were yelling since here it wasn't normal.

A boy was yelling as two man tried to hold him back from getting to Carla.

"Let me explain! You didn't know wha--" "I saw what I saw! You were kissing that blond bitch!"Carla yelled, cutting him off with tears rolling down her face instantly making my protectiveness coming with the mate bond come out and I step in front of her, forcing my body to not shake at the sight of danger, already seeing image of him beating me into a pulp flashing through my vision but I needed to be strong... Or fake convincingly.

"You know what?! I did that because you are fucking ignoring me!"

"Ignoring you?! I spend every waking hour by your side!"

"You fucking virgin! You always turn down sex!"

"Is this because of that?!" Carla screeched with wide eyes as she grips the back of my T-shirt with shaking hands as I lay one of my hands over hers, I think she could feel it tremble softly but didn't do anything to point it out.

"You always turn it down, and I had enough of waiting! I want action!"

The next thing I knew is that his flying back with a pissed Asher standing there, she was so fast, I took half a step back at the show of violence.

"Shut up fuck boy, you don't deserve anyone if all you want is sex, buy a doll then." Asher said with venom dripping off each of her words making everyone take a step away from her as she eyes are burning bright blue.

I see Sky coming up to us.

"Are you both okay?"

"As much as it's possible right now." I tell her and she nods, she seems to know about me being Carla's mate... I wouldn't be surprised as she's Asher's mate after all.

"Leave." Sis said so coldly I shivered.

"What the fuck you mutt?!" I closed my eyes, unable to watch anything as I just listened to the sounds.

"You have no right to set foot on land and you have even less right to try to speak with Carla!" Carla hugged me and I didn't know who was comforting who anymore.

"I can do as I want!"

"Just like she can! If she doesn't want to sleep with you, she won't!"

"Wrong move buddy."

I cringed as I heard the clear sounds of fighting.

I just opened my eyes when I heard nothing.

"Go get a doctor! There was venom in that bite!"

I watched in horror as my sister wasn't moving, she can't be gone too! No no no she can't leave me behind! No!

"Ssh it is fine, she'll be fine." Carla whispered despite her sniffy voice.

"Both of you should go sleep and calm down." Said Sky despite sounding worried.

"But--" "Ashley it will help."

I begrudgingly let myself back inside and in my room.

I spent a lot of time, as much as I could, with sis, wanting her to wake up but soon came my first school day.

I felt a lot more nervous about going to school because Asher kinda wouldn't be here with me as she was kind of still knocked out from her fight with that now dead vampire cheating fucker... Wait no I can't feel like this! I should simply reject her... But I can't bring myself to say the words... Just not strong enough.

I was walking to the principals office using the directions I kinda don't remembered.

"E-euh could someone show me the way?" I asked a group of people as the pack and the vamps had left before I was ready so I was left alone, I had long learned to hide my shaking in fear because the rogues would do way worst if they saw it but sometimes it escaped my controlled but I guess I looked normal enough now.

"Sure." A boy said."This way."

"So... what's your name?"He asked after some awkward silence.

"I'm Ashley Blackblood."

"I heard that somewhere before." He muttered and furred his eyebrows thinking. "Oh well I'm Taylor."

He was kind enough to lead me to my first class too before he went his separate way.

"Enter." I heard after I knocked on the door and pushed my glasses up my nose......... Yes, I have repaired glasses now. I mostly wore contacts since I got here but now they aren't needed as much and can wear my glasses again, I prefer glasses to contacts.

I sighed and pushed the door open, swallowing my nervousness.

"Oh you must be the new student we heard of, please introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said as I could tell everyone was staring at me and trying to figure out where they saw me before, well it was my sister and not me so you are out of luck people, I'm nothing like her.

"Well hi, I'm Ashley Blackblood, I like sweets, my sis and forest and I dislike spicy food, bees and cars, my hobbies are reading, writing and spending time with my friends and for a dream... Hmmm... Helping out people like me and I'm an omega wolf even if my sis is an alpha, seems even twins can be extremely different, only our look are sort of similar, we are like yin and yang." I said with a convincing fake smile and looked over at the pack members I knew and had this class, even Nat was here, I waved at him and he waved back with the others.

"Seems like you already know people here so I will let you sit with them." The teach said, and I sat next to Nat, feeling relieved there was a few people I knew here and I could sit with them and not with total strangers.
I frowned a little as I heard some bitches muttered about me being a nerd... Well yeah, I agree with that because even I know I am but they seem trouble and I didn't want trouble, these kinds of girls were hated by even the other slaves if they were also slave because they just couldn't shut up and do as told and would get others in trouble.

At lunch I sat with the pack and the vampires, I was fighting to keep myself calm because Carla was sitting next to me and because of all the people and loud noises around me.

Carla's phone rang and she picked up, she smiled at us after a while.

"Asher is up and about, a little grumpy but she's on her way already, not wanting to miss out more," I smiled at that. I felt safe around her and she knew it so that must be why she is coming right now.

"Hey nerd." I sighed and quickly told the table to stay put through a mind link. I disliked violence but also knew if I backed down and left this to someone else I would be in deeper shit later.

"I know I am, not a surprise so why do you need to bring it up?" I asked facing a blond bitch with a raised eyebrow.

"How dare you disrespect me?! I'm a beta!"

"Then you beta be going." I said making people snicker and earning a glare from the blond bitch as I kept my breathing even, even if cold sweat was dripping down my back.

"You bitch!" My head snapped to the left with my cheek stinging, but I did nothing, biting back a flinch, not at the pain really but at the movement.

"Well that was low, hitting me really? I barely even felt it." I said, and it was kinda true, as a slave I had it much worst but my glasses did fly off my face.

She was about to hit me again right in the nose but a hand caught her fist and I didn't even flinch, knowing this would have never touched me, having sensed her coming... Let's say it's a twin thing.

"What the heck are you thinking your doing?" Asher spat angrily.

"I-I--" "Don't touch my sister!" And there we go, the blond was sent flying by a punch to the face.

Murmurs filled the lunchroom about how a nerd like me could have a goddess as a sister... Seems like people, both male and female, are trying to get with her, she's always been the popular one...

"Are you alright? I came as fast as I could when I woke up, I feared something like this would have happened." she said, turning my head to the side to check the slap mark left by blondie.

"I'm fine Asher. It's nothing too bad you know." She sighed while I smiled at her as she put my glasses back on, she was always so caring with people, what did I do to deserve a twin like her?

She sat with us and I could tell she would rather be asleep then be here which made me even more grateful that she showed up because she worried about me.

I rolled my eyes as she clung to me when I tried to leave and even if I'm not as strong as her, I ended up dragging her after me all the way to class because I wanted to seem normal as to not stand out more as it made me nervous. We sit next to each other and talked through our twin bond.

Well only we call it that I think, it likes a mind like but stronger but much much weaker then mate bonds, twins grow up with each other and have something bonding them together since birth that way I knew Asher was close, when we got separated we were to far from each other to feel the bond and was mostly not existent but never broken, like a mate bond it lasts all your life but is not like a mate bond... If you get what I'm trying to say... Only sisterly love❤.....


The lessons where boring and most people still stared like if it could somehow explain why Asher and I are twins....

"You are named Asher and you are Ashley.... It must have been on purpose." Taylor said.

"Yeah I think so as our grandma what Ashline and our mother Ash." I said.

"Yeah it's a family tradition to name the kids with Ash in their name." Asher said, agreeing with me.

"But we kinda are the first twins in the line and you have a male wolf while I have a female one." I said.

"Why does that matter?" Carla asked.

"Well our line has always been strong and always female, the males would take the name Blackblood instead of the females changing last names, it's always been single female children firstborns and well we are kind of twins and named with Ash in our name yes but the similarities end at that... We don't look alike, for one Asher has blue hair while I got mother's hair colour, I'm an omega and she's an alpha, I'm nerdy type and she a popular type, we are yin and yang." I say.

"We are two faces of the same coin, one black and the other white, you couldn't tell we are twin at first sight, our parents through it was the fact that we are the first ever twins and I'm supposed to have stolen Ashley's strength making me alpha and her omega. I have a male wolf which is itself the opposite of Ashley's female wolf, we are different and yet the same." Asher finished for me, it was an explanation we had learned by heart over the years and I had never forgotten even if I hadn't said it for over 14 years.

"You guys need a nickname." Helix said.

"Oh we have multiples from our childhood before we got separated, the yin yang pair, the double Ash, blood twins and I can go on and on but usually it was the double Ash because when someone simply said Ash both of us would answer to it."

"If I need both of you I'll call the Ashes then." Both of us bonked Nat on the head.

"Owwww." He whined as Roxy rolled her eyes.

"Lets just go home." Asher said to me, sighing and I nodded, we slipped away from the arguing group and started going back home.



"Tells me if you see someone acting off." She said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well we talked about things on the alpha meeting."


"We may be in a lot of trouble if our hunch is right."

I stared at her for a while before talking.

"You know I'm always on your side."

"Just keep an eye out."

"Alright." I was nervous with this new task, but I told myself I would not fail this one.

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