Part 17

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The next day...

The ordinary paper that consumers use throughout their everyday life such as newspapers, books, cereal boxes, etc., is primarily made of wood pulp; however, United States Money is composed of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen. This is what gives United States currency its distinct look and feel.

Viola got up in the morning, her legs were free and loose, she was shivering, the room was cold.

Viola got up and went to cook dinner for her mother and herself.

Her mother wouldn't tolerate her giving her mother discomfort by not cooking.

Viola made Fried Chicken, Juicy breasts like her mom liked it, Viola liked it as well.

Viola gave herself some legs.

Viola never wore an apron, she washed everything and herself afterward.

Viola didn't get juice on her outfit, however, luckily.

Viola heard her mother sleeping soundly, her mother snored loudly as Viola decided to make her escape. Once the food was done, she left a plate for her mom who was good asleep, then took her own plate and left.

She packed her food in a zip lock bag and headed for the streets, she looked for shelter, abandoned homes, etc.

Viola found a job as a Secretary worker, she told her boss "I need a place to stay." She wanted to tell him "I ran away from my abusive mom..." But what if he called police and had her returned there?

Viola wrote a letter in case her mom files a missing Persons' case.

She needed to live in an apartment, the boss set it up,  he appears 18, his name was Kinny.

Viola lived with him until her house came through, she didn't trust him, he was a strange man.

She was nice to him but never told him personal details.

She showed signs of fearing him a lot, he was worried.

Once, he placed his hand on her shoulder and asked "You okay, sweetie?" In his country Boy Accent.

Viola says "Okay." In a child-like voice.

He asked "Are you... Abused by some monsters?" Because she was very nervous about angels, humans... God, even. Viola asked "How did you know?" In anger, then yells "You don't love me!"

Viola crawled into a corner.

Her new home came, she was scared to walk inside, believing her mom would be in there, she told her boss, Kinny to "look inside in case there's danger in there." He did and told her "No one's in here!" She went in quivering.

"ARE YOU OKAY?" He asked. She says "Okay."

Viola stayed in the house and cooked for herself, but she was alone.

All alone.

Kinny stood outside the home, he was an Angel of God who watched over her this night because she was so... Child-like, but not in a good way.

It was scary.

Kinny knocked on her door, she opened it and asked "You wanna stay here?" Kinny replied "I live in an apartment where I made a deal with the landlord."

Viola let him in due to trust, she cooked him salad and Ramen Noodles. He ate them and asked "You cook?" Viola complains "i have to, no one will do it for themselves! I have to because I'm lazy if I don't, I know how bad I am, I have to!" In panic.

Viola had been mentally scarred by the abuse.

God asked him to "Love her like your own." Kinny loved her as his own from then on.

God asked him to tell her "God loves her." loves her. He told her "God loves you."

Viola asked "Um... Is he here?" In very worried anger.

God told her "I love you so much." Viola remembered when she was a minor in her home, abused but made to feel worthless.

Viola never charged God or insulted him, She just said "I'm Sorry." Her mother hated God with a fervency. 

Viola was scared of God.

Viola hid in her bedroom and Kinny followed, God was everywhere, she tried to hide from him but that was impossible.

 To Be Continued...

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