Mommy's not home.

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Viola is 2-years-old.

Viola looks around, frazzled, this isn't her home but her new mommy says it is, Viola looks around and tries to make note of her surroundings, Viola walks to the kitchen. All alone, Viola asks the oven whether of not there's a way to leave the house.

The oven never answers.

Cassiel told her ovens could talk to spark her imagination, but Viola says they don't like to talk closely to you.

Viola backs out if the kitchen.


Cassiel: "Did you know that ovens talk?"
Viola: "REALLY?"
Cassiel looked at Viola nodding and says "Yes, you can't be in the kitchen near them if you want to talk to them, or they'll never answer."
Viola: "Nooo..."
"Yups." Said Cassiel.

Present Day.

"So, Do you want to tell me, now?" Viola asked the oven.

The oven never answers.

"Ok, I understand." Viola walks near the apples on the dinner table.

Viola didn't really know how much of a mess her mother was before they were living together exclusively alone, and even if Viola did know Cassiel was a raving mess, she would still love her and want her.

Viola decided to take matters into her own hands and climb out the window, Viola ran to a chair and pushed it in front of a window then she climbed on top of the chair carefully so as not to fall off then she went and reach for the window seal and lift up the window and then climbed out of the window carefully and then even more carefully stepped her feet on the ground.

The two-year-old Viola decided that she would find Cassiel all by herself.

Viola toddled her way on the sidewalk to find Cassiel's house.

The Angel followed Viola, when Viola of felt an eerie Aura of the Angel Viola walked even faster and then started running!

Viola sat behind a bush and hid, Viola was a baby Genius!

The Angel looked around and whenever it seems like the angel was near her, Viola would run to another bush to hide.

The Angel started to silently follow Viola. Viola was named after an Instrument, Cassiel told her that and at the moment Viola was focusing on that.

Viola was so focused on the idea that she didn't notice anything.

Viola was immediately picked up off the ground.

The Angel begrudgingly took her back to her new home, The Angek Bea he once she made it inside.

Viola remembers Cassiel during the beating and wishes terribly to be by momma Cassiel's side once more, A lot more actually, For the rest of her life.

After the beating, Viola was crying.

Viola has no idea what's happening, Viola remembers Cassiel telling her all these great stories about her birth mom.

Viola didn't know what to do, she prayed that God would send her birth mom to save her without realizing that her mom was right there and the one who beat her and Viola didn't have faith when she prayed that it would happen as she was taught it may not work.

Viola would raised by her like this for years.

3 years later, Viola is five.

Viola is watching T.V. as the angel thinks of ways to torture her, Cassiel didn't hold these thoughts for Viola.

The Angel's Child. ©Where stories live. Discover now