Moms are crazy, sometimes.

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The Angel looked at Viola contemptuously, and said: "Do you think you could actually get away from me?" Her mother smiled, it was a creepy smile, it wasn't A smile that a normal mother would give her daughter, her daughter cries in fear, she doesn't, anymore.

Her mother walked up to her and grabbed her, and then dragged her into her house. Her daughter, used to be named Viole but remained Amila by her mother the angel, cries, Viola doesn't want to go back, and it hurts to realize that she might not be able to leave this house.

Viola struggles, screams, and cries, and repeatedly calls for help, thinking that someone would help her, and it was met with a simple "Shut up." From her mother, And then her mother covered her mouth, she could now no longer speak. They enter the house and her mother locks the doors, the windows, everything.

Her mother ties her to her bed.

"That will keep you here for a while." She says.

The chains her daughter was tied up with, buried themselves in her skin, they were so tight that she really could not breathe very well, she called for her mother, but there was no success, her mother wasn't coming.

Her mother left the house temporally, she did not care about her daughter, anymore. She was an object to her, now, nothing more.

Her daughter cried on her bed, all she ever wanted was to be free from this, but, her mother always seemed to catch her.

It was the same thing, every time. She runs, she gets caught, and then there she is, tied down to the bed with chains, she's never succeeded in an attempt to escape, ever before in her life.

Viola hated her mother.

Present day.

The Neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Pancake, welcomed Cassiel in, even though Cassiel wasn't really invited, or even expected for that matter, but they were worried.

Cassiel hid in their bedroom and then repeated the 911 call, but no one answered. She had no idea why no one was answering, so, she asked them to call them. The call worked, and the police came. Mr. Pancake was shot in the legs, by one of the cops, and beaten by the other, she was panicking, screaming and didn't know what was happening.

They were fallen, angels in flesh bodies. They revealed themselves to her, and she then screamed and panicked and then she cries and calls an ambulance, and has them come over to help. The demonic beings are gone, and the ambulance has arrived. She's crying, Mrs. Pancakes is unconscious, and Mr. Pancakes is nearly dead.

Cassiel by traumatized by this experience, and the police, the real ones, try to ask her questions, but, she hits them and screams at them to leave her alone, and yells "Don't hurt us!!" She was crying.

They had to restrain Cassiel and take her to the police station, the hospital first because she had more bruises than the nearly dead man, And Eliza Pancakes, the one who was unconscious.

To be continued...

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