2 years later....

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Viola is a toddler, her favorite T.V. show is on, on her little pink tablet. Cassiel thinks back to when Viola was a baby, what the heck happened that day??

Cassiel was changing the baby's diaper, she was so lonely. Not many people came to see her, Jarred left the house to her.

Flashback within a flashback (I do what I want.):
"Shut up, just shut up!"

"I'm sorry if I couldn't make it to your stupid game, Jarred!"

Jarred is sitting on his long couch, thinking of reasons why he let her and her baby stay there.

"You are a nutshell of crazy!" Jarred says.

"Because an angel told you to 'stay behind,' I get embarrassed in front of my friends!" He yells at her.

Cassiel screams at him, "I don't give a crap about your friends, I care about this baby!"

"I know why you did it, you wanted attention, you were always an attention whore! Always! You did some stupid bull hockey that made everyone look at you!"

"It's not my fault!"

"It never was!"

"You're just jealous because you wanted my *** to yourself in highschool!"

"While you were desperately sleeping with everyone in highschool! I never wanted your nasty-" Jarred paused, then he tilted and turns his head a little to the left at the same time then says: "YOU!" Jarred screams.

She yelled "Why did u even let me stay here, then!"

"You have a child, I want my reputation to be upheld as not as a D*ck." "Jarred!" "F*** U." He says, with little baby Viola tearfully watching because she's scared and confused at the same time.

The baby was taken into her room.

He turned into a trash help, after a fight they had, he'd trashed everything.

Her baby laid, crying.
She suggested to herself: Move out.

You'd be better off.

But she... She didn't want to.

Cassiel was an attention whore.

Cassiel likes attention. She's tried to sleep with her husband after times after she moved and her housemate, Jarred.
She was really into Indian guys.

Cassiel pretended to eat led to get attention from Jarred.

This royally pissed off Jarred. (Jarred is Pronounced as: JAR-əd)

Cassiel climbed into his bed when he wasn't home all naked and apparently horny because she was lonely.

He came home and scurried for his dear life when he saw her and ran into the baby's room and locked the door.

Cassiel was torn...

He was disturbed...

Cassiel wore seductive clothing around the house, told the baby about all of the fun that she'd have trying to make Jarred lust after her.


The baby was confused.

Cassiel once told Jarred, "Get me pregnant."

He had sex with her one day just to get her away from him.

Didn't work, Cassiel wanted it all the time from him.

Karl to Cassiel in a café: "Aren't you and Jarred an --"

Karren to Jarrad in a Diner: "-- 'Item???'"

The Angel's Child. ©Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora