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Basically, after I thought of what paranormal was, and thought of this book I honestly HAD to change the genré to Paranormal, it doesn't involve a quest, and there aren't any actual fairytale fairies or mermaids in this story.

I just marked it that, bc I will hardly EVER know what category to puts most of my books in, and I couldn't find the proper one, so, I chose fantasy bc, that's what everybody else does when they have angels in their stories, right? Well, guess what? IDK, I really don't. And IDC, And if you want an explanation as to why you can't hear the characters names is this is a script for a series on YouTube I'm making if you don't know why Eliza Pancakes is in this story and you're familiar with the sims 4, I'm making it in the sims 4. ALSO, THERE IS AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THE ANGEL GOT PREGNANT, AND HOW. When I wrote the first chapter, I totally forgot, and then just started the delivery process, bc I did not want to change it if I didn't have to.

You'll read what happened in the story, later. Bc, it's already been made, #1, and #2 I want to keep to the original story plot or start.

The Videotaping actually started before I wrote the script, in fact, the script I wrote (The First one), Which was originally supposed to be the first chapter, is on my computer, or laptop. (It's my laptop.)

I already made the sims, the crackhead, however, was made by the game The Sims 4, not me.

She is a Townie. A Game generated sim meant to be a Greet-Able Neighbor, who had almost no house until I moved her into one.

I had custom things In my game that were made by other people, and not the game developers, she was a stoner, that's why she's an EX-CRACKHEAD, she was on drugs. That's the only trait that I remembered her having, to be honest. And I can't even remember her name and I pretty sure the angel has one, she just has no last name.

Her husband was a Saddo, and the person that made the trait made it the way that every sim that was just... In his PRESENCE got sad. And he was sad, that's why she felt sad, he was so emotional in the chapter "Husband", He was a sad, and unhappy person. He was just very UNHAPPY.

The Sims 4 is the fourth major title in life simulation video game series The Sims, developed by Maxis and The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts.

Traits are in-game things that help dictate the personality of your Sim. Players can choose up to three in the creation process, with more earned throughout the game. This list only details normal traits, but The Sims 4 also includes bonus traits for choosing an aspiration and rewarding traits for fulfilling said aspiration.

 - The Sims 4: Traits affect a Sim's Whims, desires, and AI behaviors (They can do interactions that are programmed in the game anonymously) They can affect how a Sim performs a given action, though Emotions take precedence.

The trait is a personality system in The Sims 4, similar to the trait system in The Sims 3. The personality system as a building block of Sims in The Sims 4 is a combination of a trait from The Sims 3 and aspiration from The Sims 2. There are three kinds of traits in the game: normal traits, bonus traits, and reward traits. Each kind has different ways to earn them.

Which is why I would have to go and click on their option to turn off free will, that AND my game has started crashing anonymously, so, I would have to film, and right after, SAVE everything I did in the game. Please, bear in mind that I'm scared that it will crash while saving. I am very scared. Oh, my gosh.....


Gameplay. The Sims 4 is a life simulation game, similar to its predecessors. Players create a Sim character (Or more, the limit to how many you can play with within one household is 8) and control their life to explore different personalities which change the way the game plays out.

Townies are a class of NPC in The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and The Sims 4. They are the biggest class of NPCs. Introduced in Hot Date, Townies are Sims that are similar to playable Sims, except that they don't live in any of the households.

At least some, my townies have been moving into my houses, probably because of mods. Or not.
I view it as inconvenient, and I will probably have to fix it.

Welp, I'm done! If I need to, I will explain more.

Mods are game modifications to the Sims 4, pure and simple. Practically any game that is moddable has mods. They may enhance a feature, or introduce entirely new features. Mod creators work hard to make sure their content is stable and adds the functionality that is described when they share it with the Sims community.

The Pancakes are premade sims, They already owned a house.


Other have made videos with this game, they're just better than mine. 😂

This is true.

There. There is nothing else I have to say if there is, I'll explain. Like google searching, and stuff like Google can explain it better I can.....😂😂😂😅

Anyway, goodbye!

And may God bless you all on all of your Stories, Amen!!

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