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I'm sorry but the race at one shot is being out on hold due to the fact that I need to write this one shot/short story like now....
Plot: Eren is torn between two guys, His really good friend who he wants to be more than that named Levi, and a bad boy type guy who's name is Rivaille. He doesn't know who he likes and is completely torn between the two.(LEVI AND RIVAILE ARE AND ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON, WELL THEYRE THE SAME, BUT IN THIS STORY THEYRE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE)

This shots gonna be a bit different because YOU THY READER are gonna choose the ending when I ask who he should end up with... DUN DUN DUNNNNN



Eren's POV:

"Later Arlert!!" I signed off to my best friend. I continued walking down the hall and smiled when I saw Levi at his locker. I quickly ran up and kicked his foot before retreating to my locker across the hall, a small smile playing on my lips. That was one of the things we did, when we bypass each other in the hall someone bumps into the other and we continue on. I have a major crush on Levi there's no doubting that. I collected my books for my last period before lunch and was about to head to history when u felt a kick on my foot. I smiled to myself before making it go away and turned around, only to see Levi walk into his class with a smile on his face aswell. I sighed a happy sigh.

I haven't told anyone about my crush on Levi except my cousin Marco who I trust with my life, plus he can't tell anyone since he goes to another school anyways... But we see each other every weekend so it's all good.

I fiddled with my pencil while the teacher was reviewing notes. I would copy down what she has but we get a study guide for every test anyways so that's really the important part.

"Alright class your dismissed, have a good lunch..." I bolted up from my seat and headed for my locker. quickly doing the combination I pulled the lock and dropped all my books off and collected my lunch.

~in thy lunchroom~


"Jägster!" I plopped down in the seat in front of my shaved headed friend. I began to take out my lunch as I heard Connie snicker.

"Look Eren it's your boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes as the motioned over to Rivaille standing in the lunch line. I swear I'm going to kill Connie one day. I don't like Rivaille, I'm pretty sure he hates me. I kicked my friends shin as he muttered an oww.

"What?! You two would be cute together!!" Sasha- his girlfriend, butted in. I threw a grape at her that landed on the filthy cafeteria floor and I think I saw a tear come from her eye. Weirdo...

Anyways, it all started one day when Sasha and Connie decided to start shipping people together...

"Hmmmm, Jean and that kid Marco would be cute together wouldn't they??" I sniggered. As if anyone could be with that horse looking man-boy. But I did agree they did look fairly cute together, so I nodded my head.

"What about Eren?" Historia asked. Damn you Historia. Connie eyed me evilly and looked around the lunch room. Sasha tapped his shoulder and gestured behind them. Oh gosh..




"No, just no."

So that's basically how it went. Sigh.

I kept my eyes locked on a certain figure as he walked passed me in the lunchroom, he was so cute when he did his little half smile and how he lightly laughed and-

"Should I tell him?" What?

"Tell me what?" I asked. Well more like demanded... Connie was whispering to Sasha then finally turned towards me.

"Well you see,... Rivaille has apparently heard a 'rumor' that he likes you, and he thinks I made it up and uhmm..." It's official I'm friends with the biggest idiot out there.

"CONNIE!!" I stood up and playfully slammed my hands down on the table. He and Sasha started laughing uncontrollably.

"I didn't do it though!!" Laughter.

"Knowing you and your weird ships lately you probably did." I sighed at my friend. Great just great...

-Really awkward time skip that im sorry for cause i cant do good transitions-

Math class~

I placed my books down as I set out to get the basket full of answer keys to check our homework, we could literally copy the answer key and she wouldn't notice. But hey that's Mrs. Till for ya. Connie was already in the room checking when I was about to walk over to him, but I stopped when a certain person walked in... I stood there but quickly was about to turn away when I heard a bit of dialogue being exchanged.

"You're ridiculous Connie. Right Eren?" I froze. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I mocked a smile as I turned to Connie.

"Why yes, yes it is."

"Aww come on!!!" Connie exaggerated. That little- ugh. I walked back to my seat and sat down as soon as Mrs. Till walked in.

I felt myself smile as I opened my notebook and worked on the class work. Me and Rivaille actually ageed on something! Wait, why am I so happy about that? I don't like him. But why did he bring thy rumor thing up? I mean if it was me I would've left it alone and just played the day out. So why did he bring it up? Unless he wanted me to know he really doesn't like me... My heart slightly sank. NO! GET BACK UP HERE HEART!!! YOU LIKE LEVI NOT RIVAILLE!!!

Is this what girls feel like?


I sighed as I picked up my books, time for science!! Woo flippin hoo...

~end of school~

I walked out the school doors weaving my way in and out of the crowded courtyard to get to my bus, the bus that Levi is also on <3!!
I acknowledged the bus driver as I took my regular seat towards the back. I looked out the window to see when Levi was coming when I heard footsteps on the bus, huh maybe I missed him. I looked towards the front only to see Mikasa making her way towards me. nononononono!!! Don't get me wrong, she's one of my best friends, but she's gonna sit across from me!!! Where I want Levi to sit!!!

"Hey Eren!!" I gave a semi fake smile and waved back at her, great just great. I sighed and slumped as I looked down at my phone. I heard the distant but loud sound of the bus starting up when I looked around to see if Levi was on.... which he wasn't. Does he have a club today??? No he doesn't, I would know if he did. Right?

Finally I heard a loud bang on the door and heavy foot steps clamber onto the bus and into the aisle. Levi made his way to the back of the bus and looked for a place to sit. All the seats were taken by more than one person, except.... for mine. I blushed lightly at the thought. Levi gave one last look around before looking at me.

That little shithead.

I raised an eyebrow but laughed as I scooched over in the seat. I opened my phone and started to scroll through Instagram checking my account @/ereriren_ , this was where I posted picture scenarios and little fanfics about me and Levi, and... Rivaille.

Don't judge me.

I quickly exited the app when Levi turned to look at me. We started to talk about upcoming projects and music we liked, I gave him my phone so he could type the music he wants me to listen too in my notes, so I can listen later off of this noisy bus. that was basically our bus ride, today... normally it's a lot more 'fun' and active, so idk what happened today..

I punched in my garage code and headed into my humble abode. throwing my backpack on the chair I ran to my room and threw myself on the bed, wanting to take a very long nap because ya know, sleep.


I don't really know if I have an excuse

I'm going to post a Levi chapter, then a Rivaille chapter then you guys can choose who you want Eren to end up with~


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