Race car (New Short Story)

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Beauty an the Beast will be fixed....


Idea frommmm: @Shingeki_No_Otaku

Levi's Pov: (I don't curse so it's marked with stars**)

That Stupid F***ing idiot. Trying to hey himself killed. 'Oh yeah becoming a race car driver is one of my dream jobs!!!' Dream job my asz. Pick another one you twit brain. And now here I am in the fan stands looking down at the racers keeping an eye on the Green car with some weird asz blue and white wing logo on it. I wonder about my boyfriend sometimes. Sigh, that stupid brat..

It was his 2nd race since he started this... I didn't even want to be there for the first forbid something happened to him. But when he came home claiming 5th place, I was relieved as ever that he wasn't dead.



I watched as the cars dashed from the starting line at full speed then turned the corner. I held my hand in a tight fist as I kept a keen eye on the dark green car but agitatedly watched the ones around him. He wasn't doing that bad considering it was his 2nd race...

Lap one completed.

Another 2 to go....

Corner turned....

He's in 3rd place (surprisingly)... it's neck and neck between him and this other competitor with a nude colored car and the word 'Titans' on it.

What kind of a name is that?

Eren's ahead. Now it's Titans. Eren. Titans. Eren....... Titans... Eren...

I hear the crowd around me cheering for the team they want and crying for their car that's loosing. Of course many here are routing for the first place car that's just demolishing all the rest of the cars... The mans like what 30 ft ahead of everyone else? I looked to the score board to see the mans name.

Colassal: driven by Bertholdt Fubar.

What's with these peoples names seriously.

Like last place is a f***ing unicorn named the Military Police!??

2nd lap done.

Eren somehow managed to get second place while I was off making fun of stupid names and Titans driven by some chick names Annie managed to get into 4th place...

The cars engines roared I stood there not daring to even go in a filthy seat...


What the F was that.

I looked down at the racers to see Treez -really a z?- had collided with another racers car-Petra I think her name is- in the middle of the track. I winced as I saw the two people emerge from the cars in gurneys and people running with fire extinguishers to put out the flaming cars.

"And the winner is...... COLASSAL!!!!"

Damn it.

At least Eren got second. Still hate him doing this though.

But I know he won't stop until he gets first... sigh...

I go to the parking lot and get into my car. I pull around to the back of the stadium as I wait for Eren. Silently tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to the music still waiting for the soon to be hot head to come out. About five minutes later he emerged from the double doors eyebrows scrunched together and got in the car.

He just sat there hands over his face with a towel as he tried to calm down. I shifted gears as I drove us back to our apartment.

-in the elevator-

"You okay?"

"Fine. Just dandy.'

"At least you placed second"

"Still isn't first."

"Its only your second race."

"But all the other drivers were crappy anyways. Except for the stupid colassal whatever car."

"On the bright side their car looks stupid anyways, what is it even supposed to be anyways? It looks like a weird muscle pattern."

"Im gonna beat it someday..."


He sighed as he walked out of the elevator. Stupid brat...

I set the keys down on the table as i went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of us. Was this really what it was going to be like everytime he looses? Becoming a raging sob mess that he's like right now? He's a brat for all I know, but he's my brat and I rather not have him be f***ing dissapointed every single time he looses. He was lucky enough to pull 2nd today, much less beat a colassal champion to first place in what his third race?

I hate being used but I'm going to have to motivate him aren't I?

Damn it.

"Oi, Eren. Dinner."

I placed the chicken on the table and sta down across Eren.

"You smell like sweat." My nose scrunched in distaste.

"And you of chicken." He replied.



"How much longer is this race car gig going to go on for?"

"Why? I like racing!!"

"Oh yes, almost getting killed every week or so is simply delightful." I replied sarcastically.

"Im not going to get killed."

"Says the brat."

"IM NOT A BRAT!" he yelled.

"My point exactly... I dont want you to get hurt though.."

"I won't."

"But when will it stop?" I urged.

"Hmm..." He thought about it placing his fork down. "I dont know... I guess once I achieve my goal of getting first?"

"So once you beat the colassal driver?"


"Fair enough. But you better win soon."

He smirked. "I do plan on doing so." He looked up as if he were imagining something. "And irt'll be great for the both of us if I do." He said smiling. I gave him a questioning look but I assume he was talking about the prize money and left it at that last statement.

-weird time skip sorry-

I snuggled up to Eren once the lights were turned off and listened to the steady beat of his heart in the the dark facade... I started to drift off to sleep but as I was just about to go off into dream land i barley heard Eren mumble something that sounded like 'Ding' 'Bling?' 'Ca-Ching?' , 'Ring?' ???

I barley even could remember anything of what he said before the darkness of sleep finally pulled me under into a world of a million dreams...... about Eren.


Comment here if you caught on to what I was implying would happen..



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