Chapter 2: One For All

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As Izuku continued on his walk back home, he sees a dark tunnel. He remembers walking through there a couple times but it always sent a chill down his spine. He decides to take that shortcut home as the recent shenanigans with Katsuki has raised his confidence a significant amount.

"Oh hey, you could make a good meat-shield."

Izuku looks behind him in surprise as his eyes are cursed with the most disgusting thing on the planet. The Sludge Villain.

"Oh fuck off, don't tell me you have sludge tentacles or... tendrils... WHATEVER THEY'RE CALLED!" Izuku snarled as somehow in cue, random sludge tendrils are targeted at Izuku as it launches itself at the teenager.

Multiplier goes in Overdrive as he instinctively goes into x3 and uses Overheat to burn this Sludge Fuck alive.

"FUCK STOP BURNING MY EYES!" The Sludge Villain shrieked as Izuku turned up the power by enabling Multiplier x4, burning the Sludge Villain alive.

As Izuku fought the villain, well, not fought, more like cooked the villain, a certain Hero finally reached the scene after chasing this specific villain for a good amount of time.

"NEVER FEAR YOUNG MAN, FOR I AM HE-" All Might freezes as he stares at the sight of a teenager frying an A-Level Villain. "KID, YOU CAN STOP WITH THAT NOW."

Izuku stops the heat and whips his head around to see the hulking man that he has admired for his whole life.

Is that... All Might?!

"OH MY GOD ALL MIGHT IS THAT YOU?" Izuku asked as his fanboy instincts kicked in.

"YES IT IS YOUNG MAN, I SEE YOU DID THE JOB FOR ME! I CAN NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE!" All Might shouted while doing his signature laugh, walking over to the remaining sludge, retrieving whatever he can find.

Izuku was shaking from excitement, his inspiration... RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

"Uhhh, n-no problem! I'm happy t-that I helped you!" Izuku stuttered, still getting his mind to believe the sight in front of him.

'This boy radiates a powerful aura, he surely must be going to a hero school.' All Might thought.

"YOUNG MAN, WHAT'S YOUR NAME? AND ARE YOU GOING TO U.A HIGH SCHOOL BY ANY CHANCE?" All Might asked, finishing the manhunt for the sludge remains.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya and yes I am! I've always wanted to be a hero, and anyways, UA is the school you went to right?!" Izuku rhetorically questioned.

"AHAHAAA, YES IT IS! BUT I SHALL GO AND BRING THIS VILLAIN TO THE POLICE NOW, SEE YOU LATER, YOUNG MIDORIYA!" All Might yelled as he jumped away as his overwhelming laugh echoed through the skies.

{Izuku's POV}

Am I dreaming? I didn't just have a full blown conversation with the number one hero right? I'm shaking so much right now that I might get a heart attack from all this excitement.

As I continue my walk home from what just transpired, I hear an explosion, I run over to see a ton of smoke and a crowd nearby the scene, I try to get a clear view through the crowd, realising that monster is holding someone hostage. I wonder wh-

'Wait. That hair. That's Bakugo?! That idiot!' I thought in a panic.

My Hero Instincts kick in as I run past the crowd, going over my limits, I use Multiplier x5, I feel a stabbing pain in my muscles but my adrenaline deals with that for me as I run at the ugly fuck at nearly inhuman speeds and grab Katsuki, successfully pulling him out of the grasp of the Sludge Villain.

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